2,956 Shrubs & Perennials Must Be Sold At The Crazy Low Price of $7.97 Each!!!!

Open Wednesday & Thursday & Fridays 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. & Saturdays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543

    Here we go with week two of Longview’s plant sale. If you check the weather, you will see they are calling for cooler Wednesday through Saturday but trust me, when you see these plants and the crazy low prices, it will warm you up. We are excited about the shrubs, perennials, small ornamental trees, fruit trees, ground cover and more that we have available this year. Let’s look at some of the plants we have for only $7.97 each!

    We have four kinds of Weigela including Red Prince with its beautiful red bell- shaped flowers, Java Red, Tango, Minuet, and Variegated. Some of these the Humming Birds love, all have bell shaped flowers, and several bloom twice a year and only $7.97 each. We have at least 5 kinds of Spirea starting with Grefshiem which is a weeping style with beautiful white flowers. Other spirea’s include Gold Flame, Gold Mound, Lemon Princess, Neon Flash, and Little Princess and I think one more, but I can’t remember the name. Honeysuckle Butterfly is a Native pollinator for bees and butterfly and we have a great supply on hand. Oh yes, we have Potentilla Gold Drop a yellow flowering blooming machine, Potentilla Abbotswood a white blooming machine, boxwoods, 3 kinds of Butterfly Bush, Bottle Brush, Deutzia Nikko, Strawberry Fields, Blue Rug Juniper, Mock Orange, Salix Hakuro Nishiki, 3 kinds of Butterfly Bush and many more at the crazy low price of $7.97 each, while they last.

 Are you looking for a natural fence to block the view of that neighbors never groomed landscape? We have Emerald Green Arborvitae and Green giant Arborvitae in 1-gallon containers for only $9.97 each. We also have them 3’-4’ tall for $29.97. They are in limited in supply, so get them now. We have fruit trees like Red Haven and Contender Peach Trees, Apple Trees, Cherry Trees including Nanking cherry. One of the hottest selling items we have is Blueberry Bush with at least 6 different kinds to choose from. We have thornless Blackberry, Black and Red Raspberry plants, Strawberry Plants in containers ready to produce fresh strawberries this year, Quince Cameo, and more. We have Azalea’s just starting to bloom and at least six different colors. Beautiful and only $10.97 each! Other plants like creeping phlox, (in bloom now), Dianthus, Red and Yellow Twig Dogwood, Hydrangea, Lilacs, Lavender, Rhododendrons, 4 different kinds of Redbuds, and Red, Pink, and white dogwood trees, Hosta, Astilbe, Coral Bells, Aronia Chokeberry, Boxwood, Dianthus, and many more I cannot list now. These are some of the plants we have and we continue to add different plants to our sales area as they become ready during the season. Is it worth your time to come out to Longview Nursery? Thousands of people have over the past 12 years, and they’ve found plants they love at a price they can afford! We grow most of the plants we sell so when we say when they are gone, they are gone, and there won’t be anymore till next year! So set that GPS Thingy for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 and scoop up the bargains now!


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