1,197 Shrubs & Perennials Must Be Sold

At The Crazy Low Price Of $6.97 Each Come Rain or Shine!

Open Thursday & Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. & Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Set That GPS Thingy For Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543

 Kathy and I first want to say thank you to everyone who has attended our plant sale events this spring! We enjoy many of our regular customers who come year after year and even bring people with them to shop with us. This year we met a lot of new people and genuinely enjoyed meeting you and look forward to seeing you again. When we close Saturday at 4 p.m. we will be closed until we reopen in the fall with our sale events so now is the time to come if you want plants at a reasonable price.

  For only $6.97 we have shrubs like:  Red Prince Weigela with their red bell shaped flowers now in bloom and as added bonus they do it again in late summer! Everyone needs one of these. We also have Variegated Weigela, Miss Kim Lilac beauty and fragrance, Little Princess Spirea with its cute pink flowers, Daphine Spirea, Dwarf Cutleaf Spirea, Snowflake Viburnum with its beautiful white flowers that bloom most of the summer and with that layered bloom look gives a great wow factor, Cranberry Bush Viburnum, Winter Red Holly, Southern Gentlemen Holly, Blue Boy and Blue Girl Holly, and all at $6.97 each! Oh yes, we have Crimson & Gold Quince with its early Spring Red Flower and Cameo with its peach colored flower to welcome spring, Berberis Concorde, Berberis Crimson Pygmy and both berberis stay red all year long.  My wife can’t believe I keep doing this but we have 12”-18” Emerald Green Arborvitae and 12”-18” Green Giant Arborvitae for only $6.97 each while they last. Yup sold a lot of these last week but still have more. While I think of it we have Blue Rug Juniper, Itea Henry’s Garnet, Hypericum Sunburst as well as Gemo’s, Albelia Mosanensis, and in bloom now Mock Orange with its beautiful white flowers and a frangrance that I call heavenly! There are more shrubs at $6.97 each I just can’t think of them now so come on over and take a look.

  We also have Perennials to choose from like John Creech Sedum with its moth pink flower, Ternatum with its starry white flowers with purplish stamens and a great butterfly attractor as well. Thinking now, oh yes Creeping flox, Asclepias Tuberosa with its bright yellow-orange flowers, Allium Summer Beauty, Coreopsis, some ground covers and a few more surprises and only $6.97 ea. By the way, we have plants for shade and we have Astilbe’s for only $6.97 while they last!!! These are a steal.

  We have beautiful Rhododendrons in 3 gal. container’s for only $19.97 while they last! There are some red blooming ones and if you love red, get out here quick before they are gone. Also large Saybrook gold that are great on banks for only $9.97 each. Also at affordable prices we have Kousa Dogwoods, Two kinds of Crab Apple Trees, Curly Willows, Azalea, and more at discounted prices.

  I’m an old man who works hard to give you quality plants at a great price so I don’t have a lot of time to return phone calls and many times not even emails or texts, so the best thing to do is to set that GPS Thingy for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 and scoop up the bargains while they last cause when they are gone, they are gone! We accept cash, checks, credit and debit cards as payment. Remember, Thursday & Friday 9a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Come on over, you will be glad you did.


1,434 Shrubs & Perennials Must Be Sold

At The Crazy Low Price Of $6.97 Each Come Rain Or Shine!

Thursday & Friday 9 a.m. To 6 p.m. & Saturday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Set That GPS Thingy For

Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Rd., Lititz Pa. 17543

  We have several thousand plants that must be sold to make room for next year’s crop so we must liquidate this springs crop as quickly as possible at only $6.97 each while they last!

   Shrubs To Choose From….. Red Prince Weigela, Variegated Weigela, Miss Kim Lilacs, Gold Flame Spirea, Little Princess Spirea with its cute pink flowers, Daphine Spirea, Dwarf Cutleaf Spirea, Summer Snowflake Viburnum, Cranberry Bush Viburnum, Berberis Crimson Pygmy, Berberis Concorde, Blue Boy & Blue Girl Holly, Winterberry Red Holly and Southern Gentlemen Holly and more. Boy memory is good but short. Let’s see, oh yes Crimson & Gold Quince with its bright red flowers and Cameo Quince with its Peach colored flowers and both perfect for early spring bloom! I’m back in gear now with and I can’t believe I do this but 12”- 18” Emerald Green Arborvitae and 12”-18” Green Giant Arborvitae only $6.97 each. Sometimes I’m really starting to believe I am crazy, but we love saving you money! By The way, I hope you printed this out and are circling the plants you want with a red or blue pen? On we go with Hypericum Sunburst as well as Gemo’s, Itea Henry’s Garnet, and how about another plant with beauty and fragrance Albelia Mosanensis as well as Mock Orange, and a great ground cover Blue Rug Juniper and a lot more shrubs for only $6.97 each while they last.

   Perennials To Choose From…. Sedums like John Creech with its moth pink flower, Ternatum with its starry white flowers with purplish stamens and a great butterfly attractor to boot, Creeping Sherwood Phlox with its purple flowers, Asclepias Tuberosa with its bright yellow/ orange flowers, Allium Lusiatanicum Summer Beauty, Zagrebe Coreopsis with golden yellow flowers, and a lot more I don’t have room to list here. These and more only $6.97 each.

    Super Specials… For only $6.97 each. Saybrook Gold Juniper in 3 gal. pots and Sea Green Juniper in 2 & 3 gal containers and they are both huge and ready to grow and you won’t find these for less anywhere. Try to keep this a secret from my wife till I have a chance to break the news of this crazy—zany price!!!

     We have small trees like crab apple, Cornus Kousa White Blooming Dogwoods, 3’ Emerald Green Arbs, Curly Willows, a few redbuds, purple sand cherry’s, and a few others at slightly higher prices but huge savings for you! Finally at least 5 kinds of Rhododendrons at only $19.97 while they last and Azalea at only $9.97. There’s more I just can’t think of them now.

    Trust me, at these prices things fly out of here quickly so grab your wife, kids, husband, neighbors, friends, and get down here so you don’t miss these bargains cause when they’re gone, they’re gone!

   I don’t do phones cause we’re very busy so just come and see. Our address many of you ask for is Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Rd., Lititz, Pa. 17543. We accept payment by cash, checks, credit or debit cards. Come on over, you’ll be glad you did!


1,463 Shrubs & Perennials Must Be Sold At The Crazy Low,

Low, Low Price Of $6.97 Each!!!!

Thursday, May 9th and Friday, May 10th  –  9 AM to 6 PM

Saturday, May 11th  –  9 AM to 4 PM

Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Rd., Lititz, PA  17543

  We had a lot of people shopping with us at last week’s sale event and we look forward to another 3 days of meeting old and new friends.  I met many people for the first time and some people commented to me about my marketing ad. They were skeptical about driving here and they thought it might be too good to be true but they were going to find out. They were smiling loading those wagon loads of plants into their cars. They were excited and so was I. I was humbled by all the people who came to me and said thank you for growing these plants and selling to us at reasonable prices. We are doing our best and we still have a lot of plants for you to plant in your landscape.

   Shrubs like Red Prince Weigela with their red bell shaped flowers and dark green leaves make for one of the most beautiful plants you ever want to see. We also have Variegated, and Minuet Weigela. Spirea like Little Princess, Gold Flame, and more. Yup we have Ninebark Nugget and Ninebark Royalty, Leptodermis Oblonga Purple Dwarf (Blooms All Summer), Mock Orange, Miss Kim Lilac, Summer Snow Flake Viburnum. Forsythia, Burning Bush, Deutzia Nikko, Barbery, and a whole lot more all for only $6.97 each while they last!  Oh man I almost forgot about those Emerald Green Arborvitaes, and Green Giant Arborvitae for only $6.97 each!!!!!! Now that’s a crazy good bargain!

   We do have some plants at slightly higher prices like Rhododendrons for only $19.97 and I assure you it is worth the drive just to see the different blooms. We have Azalea’s, Eastern Redbuds, Golden Curl Willow, Coral Bells, Purple Sandcherry, and lots more at low prices. Uh Oh, almost forgot 3’ Emerald Green Arborvitae for only $14.97 each. Look, I could go on and on about all the beautiful plants we have for only $6.97 each and all the other shrubs, perennials and small trees we have at bargain prices. It’s easier for you to come on over and take a look. I’ll bet you’ll find something to fit those spaces in your landscape. Set that GPS Thingy for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 and scoop up those bargains while they last cause when they’re gone, they’re gone!!! We accept all major credit & debit cards, cash and checks. We open at 9 a.m. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday! Come on over and save some money!