1,798 Shrubs & Perennials Must Be Sold At The Crazy Low Price Of $7.97 Each!!!!!!!!

Open Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Hino Crimson Azalea

   When we started Longview Nursery over twelve years ago, many people thought I was crazy and some even thought I would fail. Some thought that it was not possible to grow and sell quality plants at a reasonable price. Well, here we are with over 12 years of successful plant sales for our customers and us. We started out with only shrubs, but we now have perennials and some trees besides the shrubs and even larger plants at or near wholesale prices. Here is a partial list of what we have.

Red Prince Weigela

  Shrubs like five kinds of Weigela just starting to bloom, five kinds of Spirea just as beautiful as can be, Honey Suckle Butterfly, Potentilla Gold Drop and Potentilla Abbottswood both blooming machines most of the summer, Burkwoodii Viburnum, Miss Kim Lilac, Mock Orange, Deutzia Strawberry Fields you need to have just for the beautiful flower, Fothergilla Gardenii, Itea Henry’s Garnet, Abelia Mosanensis, Abelia Rose Creek, Two kinds of Boxwood, Daylilies, Deutzia Nikko, Annabelle Hydrangea and several others, Old Fashion Lilac, Miss Kim Lilac, Palibin Meyeri Lilac, Lepto Dermis Oblonga, Blue Rug Juniper, Ninebark Royalty, Ninebark Nugget, and a whole lot more at only $7.97 each.

   We have Trees at or near Wholesale prices! Fruit Trees like Red Haven and Contender, Apple Trees like Gala, Honey Crisp, Red Delicious, Jonagold and Bing Cherry Trees. We have Red, Pink, and White Blooming Dogwoods, Nanking Cherry, Eastern Redbud, Appalachian Red Bud, Forest Pansy Redbud, Rising Sun Redbud, Weeping Cherry Trees, Okame and Yoshino Flowering Cherry, Golden Curl Willow, Purple Leaf Sand Cherries, and a whole lot more! Trees start at $11.97 and go to $44.97 each. These prices shout bargain! Need some outdoor privacy? We have Emerald Green Arborvitae and Green Giant Arborvitae for only $9.97 each while they last. We have them in 3’-4’ size as well.

   We have 7 different colors of Azalea, most in full bloom at only $10.97 each. A great Mother’s Day flower that brings the family together to plant for Mom and keeps giving year after year!

Delaware Valley Azalea

    Okay, I’m running out of time and need to get out and take care of the plants until someone comes and takes them to their new home, but I must mention the Fruit Bearing plants we have six different kinds of Blueberry, Red and Black Raspberries, Blackberries, Strawberries in pots so you can pick some this year, Chokeberry, Quince, Elderberry Sambucus, and some more I can’t think of now.

   Look, there is a whole lot more of different plants like Rhododendron, Astilbe, Coral Bells, Hosta’s, Phlox and a whole lot more perennials! The best thing to do is print this out and get in your car, pick-up truck or SUV and set that GPS Thingy for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 and get on over here cause when they are gone, they are gone. We raise most of what we sell so it is in limited supply!

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