1,256 Shrubs & Perennials Must Be Sold 

At The Crazy Low Price Of $6.97 Each!

Thursday Sept. 17th, & Friday Sept.18th  –  9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Saturday, Sept 19  –  9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

  We need to reduce our inventory to make room for the thousands of plants we pot between now and spring. Let’s take a look at some of the plants we have available at $6.97 each.

   First some plants that attract Butterflies, Hummingbirds, etc. We have two kinds of Butterfly Bush, Caryopteris Dark Knight that blooms August through first frost with buleish purple blooms, Callacarpa Early Amethyst, Callacarpa Duet Variegated, Summersweet Ruby Spice and Summersweet Hummingbird, Honeysuckle Butterfly, Itea Henry’s Garnet, Deutzia Strawberry Fields, and more that I don’t have the space for.

   Some more $6.97 plants like Scotch Broom, Salix Hakuro Nishiki, Viburnums, Red Twig Dogwood, Yellow Twig Dogwood, Quince Cameo and Crimson & Gold, Lynwood and Kumson Forsythia, Hypericum Albury Purple, Hypericum Gemo and Sunburst, Annabelle Hydrangea, Leptodermis Oblonga Dwarf blooming machine with purple blooms early summer thru fall, and another blooming machine all summer and fall and it is evergreen is Albelia Rose Creek. Hang in there with me a little longer cause at $6.97 each we have Boxwood, Lirope, Ajuga, Allium, Blackberry Triple Crown Thornless, Gaura, Emerald Green Arborvitae and Green Giant Arborvitae and a whole lot more! Come on over and take a look!

Gold Flame Spirea

    We have incredible deals on Shrubs, Perennials, and Small Trees at slightly higher prices. Seven kinds of Rhdodendrons in 3 gal. containers loaded with buds for spring bloom and just as beautiful and healthy as can be at only $29.97 each while they last! Some are dwarfs! Moving on we have five kinds of Azalea, 4 kinds Astilbe, 5 kinds of Coral Bells, 4 kinds of Hydrangea, several kinds of Lilacs, Hibiscus, Rose Of Sharon, Grasses, Lionsville Arborvitae, and many more Shrubs and Perennials. We have trees like Golden Curl Willows, Kousa Dogwoods, Red and Pink Blooming Dogwoods, Redbuds, crabapples, Purple Leaf Sandcherry and more. We have Emerald Green Arborvitae 36”-40” tall and Green Giant Arborvitae 36” Tall at only $18.97 each.

    They say seeing is believing, so come and take a look and scoop up the bargains! Just get in your car, SUV, or Pick Up Truck and set that GPS Thingy for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543. My wife got this thing in the spring that now we don’t have to swipe your credit or debit card anymore, you just put your card in this slot and we get the money you owe for your plants. Just when I was getting used to sliding your card using that little square thing, she gets this new thing from Square that is to make your life and ours easier. Another thing for an old man to get used to! By the way we also take cash or checks besides the cards. Come on over and enjoy the great outdoors while you shop. Please maintain social distancing while shopping!

P.S. Please pass this information along to others. We appreciate it!

Tom & Kathy Weidman


1,549 Shrubs & Perennials Must Be Sold

At The Crazy Low Price Of $6.97 Each!

 Thursday, Sept. 10th, & Friday Sept. 11th, –  9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

 Saturday, Sept. 12th – 9 to Noon.

     My wife, the bookkeeper says we need to reduce our inventory to make room for the thousands of plants we pot between now and spring for next year so let’s get right to it and take a look at some of the plants we have at only $6.97 each.

Itea, Henry’s Garnet

    First some plants that Butterflies, Humming Birds, etc. We have Butterfly Bush (2 Kinds), Caryopteris Dark Knight, (blooms August – Frost)  and as beautiful as can be, Callacarpa Early Amethyst, with beautiful purple berries, Callacarpa Duet Variegated, Summersweet Ruby Spice and Summersweet Hummingbird, both summer bloomers, Honey Suckle Butterfly, Itea Henry’s Garnet, and the list goes on but my fingers and brain are getting tired. Okay, some more $6.97 plants like Scotch Broom, Salix Hakuro Nishiki (No. 1 Seller for 8 years straight), Viburnums (3 kinds), Mock Orange (3 kinds) Potentilla, Deutzia Nikko, Deutzia Strawberry Fields, Red Twig Dogwood (3 kinds), Yellow Twig Dogwood, Quince Cameo & Crimson & Gold (great early bloomer), Lynwood & Kumson Forsythia, Hypericum Albury Purple, Gemo, and Sunburst, Annabelle Hydrangea, Leptodermis Oblonga Purple Dwarf (blooms all summer starting in June) and in my opinion one of the best out there,  Oh, my fingers are starting to ache more but I just have to mention Albelia Rose Creek and you would be crazy not to have a couple of these blooming machines in your landscape and evergreen at that! Stay with me just a couple more to mention like Boxwood, Lirope, Ajuga, Allium, Blackberry Triple Crown Thornless, Gaura, and a whole lot more at only $6.97 each.

   I can tell I’m getting tired since I forgot about those who have some things in the neighborhood

they would rather not look at or you need more privacy for yourself. Yup, that would be Emerald Green Arborvitae or Green Giant Arborvitae. We have these for only $6.97 each while they last!


   We have many other beautiful Shrubs and Perennials and Trees at price points of $7.97 to $29.97 each. We have 7 kinds of the most beautiful, healthy, full of buds rhododendron for next years bloom available at only $29.97 and they are in 3 gal. container’s. At least two kinds are dwarf. If you want Rhododendrons in your Landscape, now is the time to purchase a great one at a great price. Looking on we have 5 kinds of Azalea’s, 4 colors of Astilbe, lots of beautiful Heuchera, and at least 4 kinds of Hydrangea just as healthy as can be.

   We’re winding this thing up now with Hibiscus, Rose Of Sharon, 2 kinds of grasses, Lionsville Arborvitae, Golden Curl Willows, Dogwood Trees white blooming, Pink Blooming, and Red Blooming and of course some real nice Red Buds and Purple Leaf Sand Cherry, Emerald Green and Green Giant Arborvitae. I can’t go on typing cause the brain is fading and I know there are more Trees, Shrubs, and Perennials to choose from!

    The best way to see what we have and to scoop up these bargains is to get in your car, SUV or Pick Up Truck and set that GPS Thingy for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 cause when they are gone, there gone! Remember this is Thursday & Friday 9-5 and Saturday 9 till Noon. Payment by Cash, Check, Debit or Credit Cards. Please maintain social distancing at this outdoor event.

 P.S. We appreciate when you pass this information along to others!




 1,855 Shrubs & Perennials Must Be Sold At

The Crazy Low Price Of $6.97 Each While They Last!

 Friday Sept. 4th – 9 am to 5 pm  and Saturday Sept. 5th – 9 am to 3 pm

Scotchbroom – Lena

We have Shrubs like Red Prince, Minuet, Tango, and Variegated Weigela.  Several of these are dwarf that are great for small landscapes. Spirea like Gold Flame, Neon Flash, Gold Mound, Lemon Princess, Greifsham, Dolchia Dwarf Cutleaf, and if you are looking to make a beautiful hedge,  Bridal Veil may be the solution for you, and all of these at only $6.97 each!

Callicarpa, Beautyberry, Early Amethyst

   My “forgetter” is about the only thing that improves with age and I almost forgot to tell you to print this out and get a red, yellow or green marker and mark what you want when you come over and visit with us.  Moving on we have plants recommended for Butterflies, Humming Birds and Bees. Plants like Butterfly Bush, Caryopteris Dark Knight (Beautiful blooms right now), Winterberry Holly, Ninebark, Clethra Summersweet Hummingbird and Ruby Spice. We have beautiful Callacarpa Early Amthyst as well as Duet Variegated. When you see these and other beautiful plants like Scotch Broom, Salix Hakuro Nishiki, Sedums, Viburnums, Mock Orange, Potentilla, Deutzia Nikko, Deutzia Strawberry Field, Dianthus, Red Twig Dogwood (3 Kinds), Yellow Twig Dogwood, Quince Cameo, Crimson n Gold (Great Early Bloomer and produces fruit), Lynwood Forsythia, Kumson Forsythia, Honey Suckle Butterfly, Hypericum Albury Purple, Gemo, and Sunburst, Itea Henry’s Garnet, Blue Rug Juniper, Annabelle Hydrangea, Leptodermis Oblonga Purple Dwarf (Bloom all summer starting in June).  Oh yes we have Albelia Rose Creek and Albelia Mosanensis, Boxwood, Emerald Green Arborvitae, Green Giant Arborbitae. We have Lirope, Ajuga, Allium, Black Berry Triple Crown Thornless, Gaura, and a whole lot more for only $6.97 each.

Itea, Henry’s Garnet

    We have many other beautiful Shrubs, Small Trees and Perennials at price points between $8.97 and $29.97 each. We have at least 7 kinds of Rhododendrons that are in 3 gal. containers as beautiful as can be as well as 5 kinds of Azalea’s, 4 kinds Astilbe for Shade needs, Lots of beautiful Heuchera, 3 kinds of large Blueberry Plants in 5 gal containers that I’ve enjoyed picking berries and eating some this summer and should give a good harvest next year if you get them planted out this fall. We have two kinds of grass to pick from, Hibiscus, at least 4 kinds of Hydrangea, Salvia, Golden Curl Willows, Lionsville Arborvitae (sometimes called Bowling Ball), Dogwood Trees like the Cornus Kousa, Pink blooming Cornus Florida Rubra, Red Blooming Cornus Florida Rubra and the best crop of Eastern Red Buds I’ve had in a long time! If you want a Redbud Tree, now is the time to get one! We have 3 gal. size Emerald Green Arbs and Green Giants as well, Golden Curl Willows perfect for planting in the ground or for large containers on your deck. There is a lot of other shrubs, trees and perennials here to brighten up your landscape. The best way to scoop up these plants at bargain prices is to get in your car, SUV or Pick-up truck and set that GPS thingy for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 and scoop up the bargains before they are all gone cause when they are gone, they are gone. Remember this Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Payment by Cash, Check, or Credit or Debit Cards. Please maintain social distancing at this out door event.

P.S. We appreciate when you pass this information along to others!

 Longview Nursery

Tom & Kathy Weidman






1,480 Shrubs And Perennials Must Be Sold At The

Crazy Low Price Of  $6.97 Ea. And This Is Your Last Chance!

 Thursday & Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

 Longview Nursery 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543

    Yup, this is your last chance of the spring season to purchase shrubs and perennials for $6.97 each and it ends at 3 p.m. this Saturday, June 13th. Maybe you’ve been thinking you need a few more plants or maybe redo a part of your Landscape, or maybe you are starting a brand new project, you need to take a look!

    Here is a partial list of what we have for $6.97 and I must be crazy for selling these for $6.97 each.

Butterfly Bush

   We have Butter Fly Bush, Callicarpa Early Amethyst and Duet Variegated noted for late summer blooms and berries. Clethra Summersweet and Ruby Spice that bloom July and August, Dianthus Firewitch with beautiful Pink Blooms and a new one, Dianthus Super Trooper (orange bloom), Deutzia Nikko, and for winter color in your landscape we have 3 kinds of Red Twig Dogwood and Yellow Twig Dogwood. How about Winterberry Holly for those red berries. I really must be crazy for selling these plants for $6.97 each.

   Moving along we have Hypericum Gemo, and Lilacs like Miss Kim, and Palibin. I hope you printed this and are using your blue or red pen to circle what you want. Back to my list, I’m notorious for going off on rabbit trails. Yes, the list includes Big Blue and Variegated Lirope, Mock Orange, Ninebark Royalty, Potentilla Abbottswood, and Viburnums like Arrowwood, Cranberry Bush, Carlesii, and Allegheny.

    How about Veronica Red Fox, Weigela like Tango and Carnaval (in bloom now)? Oh yes, Sedum Neon, Spirea like Little Princess, Lemon Princess, Gold Mound, Gold Flame, and probably a few others I can’t think of right now. Golly Gee I almost forgot Itea Henrys Garnet, trust me you need at least one in your landscape. I can’t forget Emerald Green Arborvitae and Green Giant Arborvitae and I know there are more plants at only $6.97 each while they last! My mother called me the crazy one and obviously she was right!

Arizona Sun Gaillardia

    The following plants are priced at more than $6.97. They are easy to spot since they are marked with a white sticker on the side of the pot with the price. Plants like Emerald Green and Green Giant Arborvitae, Fothergilla Bottle Brush Gardenii (the small white ball blooms are wonderful in spring), Astilbe like Purple Candles, Bridal Veil, Sister Teresa, and Red Sentinal. At least 3 kinds of Blue Berry Bush many with Blue Berries that will be ready to pick this season. Carex Bunny Blue, Gaillardia Arizona Sun and Mesa Peach, Euphorbia Robbiae, Yarrow Paprika, a few White blooming Rhododendron and a few Rhododendron Apple Blossom. The list continues with Old Fashion Lilac, Chelone Hot Lips punctata, Coral Bells and Mugo Pines at a ridiculus low price! Folks there are more than I have listed. The best thing to do is get in your vehicle of choice and set that GPS Thingy for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 and scoop up the bargains while they last cause when 3 p.m. Saturday June 13th. comes, your opportunity is gone for the season! We accept cash, checks, credit and debit cards for payment.





1,755 Shrubs & Perennials Must Be Sold

At The Crazy Low Price Of $6.97 Each!!!!

 Open Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

 Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543

 We have ‘Hot Bargains’ to counter this hot steamy weather. This hot weather is easy to live with when you can purchase beautiful shrubs and perennials for only $6.97 each!  We grow most of what we sell right here in Lancaster County.  Here is the main comment we hear from our customers, “Healthy Plants at an affordable Price” and isn’t that we all want? Okay, let’s get started and take a quick look at a partial list of what we have available and save some cool cash.

   We have Abelia Mosanesis with its beautiful small flowers and huge fragrance, and Mock Orange that does the same thing! Everyone needs one of these in your Landscape just to add the fragrance and beauty. For later summer bloom we have Callicarpa Variegated, Callicarpa Early Amethyst, Clethra Hummingbird, and Clethra Ruby Spice, Take a look at these and enjoy later summer blooming!

     We have at least five kinds of Spirea like Lemon Princess, Goldmound, Neon Flash, Little Princess, and Gold Flame, and a few more I can’t remember now. Oh yes, Weigela like Java Red, Carnaval, Minuet, and Tango. I’d take a serious look at those Carnavals now! Yes I see Ninebark Royal, Itea Henrys Garnet, Holly Southern Gentleman and Winterberry Red, and some Inkberry Holly, Leptodermis for summer time blooming, Potentilla Abbottswood, Salix Hakuro Nishiki, Veronica Red Fox, Sedum Ground Covers, Deutzia Nikko,  Red Twig Dogwood, Yellow Twig Dogwood, Dianthus, Burning Bush, Thornless Blackberry, Quince,Variegated Lirope, Big Blue Lirope, Ajuga, Hypericum Gemo and a whole lot more for only $6.97 each while they last!

   Look, if you have privacy issues how about Emerald Green Arborvitae or Green Giant Arborvitae for only $6.97 each while they last?

    Oh gee whiz, I almost forgot Viburnums. Yup we got them. We have Arrowwood, Summer Snowflake, Carlesii, Mariesii, and maybe a couple of Cranberry Bush Viburnum. Folks, everyone needs a Viburnum in their Landscape.

  Okay, I do have some plants that are much larger or more costly to grow that sell for more but are still bargain priced. Trust me, they are a fantastic deal.

      Lilacs like Old Fashion, Miss Kim, and Palibin Meyeri, Rhododendrons, Coral Bells, Columbine,  Blue Hobbit, Bell Flower Birch Hybrid, Knatis Thunder and Lightning, Smoke Bush, Bottle Brush, Hosta, Bergenia Spring Fling, Astilbe, Coral Bells, Blue Berries, Hydrangea, Emerald Green and Green Giant Arborvitae, Japanese Forest Grass and a whole lot more!

    We don’t have a whole lot of time to answer phone calls or emails so get in your vehicle of choice. Personally, I’d bring an SUV or Pickup to scoop up all the bargains you will find, and set that GPS Thingy for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 and scoop up the bargains while they last cause when they are gone, they are gone!!! We accept Cash, Checks, Credit and Debit Cards for Payment.







1,644 Shrubs & Perennials Must Be Sold

At The Crazy Low Price Of $6.97 Each!!!!

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

 Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543

Callicarpa, Beautyberry, Early Amethyst

  We have a huge selection of shrubs and perennials for $6.97 each while they last. We grow most of what we sell right here in Lancaster County.  Here is the main comment we hear from our customers, “Healthy Plants at an affordable Price” and isn’t that we all want? Okay, let’s get started and take a quick look at a partial list of what we have available.

   We have Abelia Mosanesis with its beautiful small flowers and huge fragrance, and Mock Orange that does the same thing! Everyone needs one of these in your Landscape just to add the fragrance and beauty to your landscape. For later summer bloom we have Callicarpa Variegated, Callicarpa Early Amethyst, Clethra Hummingbird, and Clethra Ruby Spice, Take a look at these and enjoy later summer blooming!

     We have at least five kinds of Spirea like Lemon Princess, Goldmound, Neon Flash, Little Princess, and Gold Flame, and a few more I can’t remember now. Oh yes, Weigela like Java Red, Carnaval, Minuet, Tango, and maybe a few Variegated as well. I’d take a serious look at those Carnavals now! Yes I see Ninebark Royal, Itea Henrys Garnet, Kumson Forsythia, Holly Southern Gentleman and Winterberry Red, and some Inkberry Holly, Japanese Forest Grass, Leptodermis for summer time blooming, Potentilla

Abbottswood, Salix Hakuro Nishiki, Veronica Red Fox, Sedum Ground Covers, Deutzia Nikko,  Red Twig Dogwood, Yellow Twig Dogwood, Dianthus, Burning Bush, Thornless Blackberry, Quince, Lirope Variegated, Big Blue, Hypericum Gemo and a whole lot more for only $6.97 each while they last!

   Look, if you have privacy issues how about Emerald Green Arborvitae or Green Giant Arborvitae for only $6.97 each while they last?

    Oh gee whiz, I almost forgot Viburnums. Yup we got them at the special low price of $5.97 each. You read that right $5.97 each while they last. We have Arrowwood, Summer Snowflake, Carlesii, Mariesii, and maybe a couple of Cranberry Bush Viburnums. Folks, I must be going back 10 years to be selling these at that price!

   Okay, I do have some plants that are much larger or more costly to grow that sell for more but are still bargain priced. Trust me, they are a fantastic deal.

      Lilacs like Old Fashion, Miss Kim, and Palibin Meyeri, Rhododendrons, Coral Bells, Columbine Ajuga, Blue Hobbit, Bell Flower Birch Hybrid, Knatis Thunder and Lightning, Smoke Bush, Bottle Brush, Hosta, Bergenia Spring Fling, Astilbe, Coral Bells, Blue Berries, Hydrangea, Emerald Green and Green Giant Arborvitae, and a whole lot more!

    We don’t have a whole lot of time to answer phone calls or emails so get in your vehicle of choice, I’d bring an SUV or Pickup to scoop up all the bargains you will find, and set that GPS Thingy for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 and scoop up the bargains while they last cause when they are gone, they are gone!!! We accept Cash, Checks, Credit and Debit Cards for Payment.







2,185 Shrubs and Perennials Must Be Sold

At The Crazy Low Price Of $6.97 Ea.!!!!!!!!!!

 Open Thursday & Friday 9 A.M. To 5 P.M. & Saturday 9 A.M. to 3 P.M.

 Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz Pa. 17543

    What a wonderful time of the year to honor and celebrate our Veterans. Thank You each and everyone for your service. The reason we have a Pre-Memorial Day Sale is we believe that on Memorial Day we should be celebrating and honoring our vets and the best way we know how is to attend events if able and gather together as families. Okay, let’s take a little tour of a few of the plants we have to offer!

  Priced at only $6.97 each we have shrubs like Weigela Red Prince with its beautiful Red Bell Shaped flowers, Java Red, Minuet, and more. Spirea including Gold flame, Lemon Princess, Neon Flash, Gold Mound and a few others I can’t think of now.

   We have a few Hydrangea available, Honeysuckle Butterfly, 2 different kinds of Butterfly Bush, Emerald Green and Green Giant Arborvitae, Boxwood, Deutzia Nikko, Red and Yellow Twig Dogwood, Itea Henrys Garnet, Hypericum Gemo in Large containers and only $6.97 which is a steal, Mock Orange, Ninebark Royalty and Ninebark Nugget, Salix Hakuro Nishiki, Dianthus Firewitch, Dianthus Frosty Fire, Blue Boy and Blue Girl Holly, Winter Red Holly and Southen Gentlemen Holly, Phlox Sherwood Purple, a great groundcover, Veronica Red Fox, Ajuga Chocolate Chip, Triple Crown Blackberry, Clethra, Seven Son flower, and a whole lot more at only $6.97 each. Look, what I listed above is just part of a huge list of plants that I’m selling for $6.97 ea.

   Special Of The Week: 4 Different Kinds Of Viburnums For Only $5.97 Each While They Last!  We have Summer Snowflake Viburnum with its beautiful white flowers and low maintenance requirements, Viburnum Mariessii with its showy double file blooms and it is deer resistant, Arrowwood Viburnum that is also deer resistant and a great host food for butterflies, and finally Cranberry Bush Viburnum with its white lace cap flowers and bright red berries great for birds and you to make jam and it’s a Native with fantastic fall foilage. Luckily my wife knows I’m a little on the crazy side and is okay with me pricing these at only $5.97 each while they last.

    Okay I do have some plants that are larger and are more costly to grow that sell for slightly more but at a fantastic price that saves you lots of money. We still have a few Azalea, 4 kinds of Rhododendrons, Pieris Japonica, 4 different kinds of Blueberries, 2 kinds of Hydrangea, 4 kinds of Lilac which are really nice this year and smell so good ummmmmmmmmmmm and got me off track again. Okay back to reality, we have Rheingold Arborvitae, Coral Bells, Bottle Brush, Mugo Pine, Serviceberry Shadblow, Golden Curl Willow, Crab Apple Magenta, Crab Apple Sargent, Magnolia, American Plum Tree, Emerald Green and Green Giant Arborvitae, and a lot more I just can’t think of now!

     So here is the deal. We are open for business Tuesday through Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Get in the car and plug this address into that little GPS Thingy: Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 and when you arrive just follow the signs for parking. We raise most of what we sell so get here early and scoop up the bargains before they are gone, cause when they are gone, they are gone!

   We accept cash, checks, debit cards and credit cards for payment. Please practice social distancing while enjoying your outdoor shopping experience!!










Be the first to get them off the wagon!!
Jethro Tull Coreopsis, Thunder and Lightning Knautia, Little Moonshine Achillea, May Night Salvia.
Hours Tuesday-Friday 9 AM to 5 PM Saturday 9 AM to 5 PM
Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, PA  17543


2,985 Shrubs and Perennials Must Be Sold

At The Crazy Low Price Of $6.97 Ea.!!!!!!!!!!

 Open Tuesday-Friday 9 A.M. To 5 P.M. and Saturday 9 A.M. to 3 P.M.

No Appointment Necessary!

 Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz Pa. 17543

  We have beautiful shrubs and perennials at crazy low prices. For over ten years people have been calling me crazy and don’t tell anyone but I admit to leaning that way just a little. I like being a little crazy when people come and thank me for selling great plants at a price they can afford, it makes me feel good about being crazy!!! Okay, let’s take a little tour of a few of the plants we have to offer!

  Priced at only $6.97 each we have shrubs like Weigela Red Prince with their beautiful Red Bell Shaped flowers, Java Red, Minuet, and more. Spirea including Gold flame, Lemon Princess, Neon Flash, Gold Mound and a few others I can’t think of now.

   We have Potentilla Abbottswood, Annabelle Hydrangea, Honeysuckle Butterfly, 3 different kinds of Butterfly Bush, Emerald Green and Green Giant Arborvitae, Boxwood, Deutzia Nikko, Red and Yellow Twig Dogwood, Itea Henrys Garnet, Hypericum Gemo, Mock Orange, Ninebark Royalty and Ninebark Nugget, Salix Hakuro Nishiki, 4 kinds of Viburnum, Dianthus Firewitch, Dianthus Frosty Fire, Dianthus Rockin Red, Blue Boy and Blue Girl Holly, Phlox Sherwood Purple a great groundcover, Veronica Red Fox, Ajuga Chocolate Chip, Triple Crown Blackberry and a whole lot more at only $6.97 each. Look, what I listed above is just part of a huge list of plants that I’m selling for $6.97 ea.

    Okay I do have some plants that are larger and are more costly to grow that sell for slightly more but are at a fantastic price that saves you lots of money. We have at least 4  different bloom colors of Azalea, Rhododendrons, Pieris Japonica, 5 different kinds of Blueberries, 6 kinds of Hydrangea, 5 kinds of Lilac which are really nice this year and smell so good ummmmmmmmmmmm and got me off track again. Okay back to reality so we have Rheingold Arborvitae, Coral Bells, Bottle Brush, Mugo Pine, Serviceberry Shadblow, Golden Curl Willow, Crab Apple Magenta, Crab Apple Sargent, Magnolia, American Plum Tree, Purple Leaf Sandcherry and a lot more I just can’t think of now!

     So here is the deal. We are open for business Tuesday – Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Get in the car and plug this address into that little GPS Thingy: Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 and when you arrive just follow the signs for parking. We raise most of what we sell so get here early and scoop up the bargains before they are gone, cause when they are gone, they are gone!

   We accept cash, checks, debit cards and credit cards for payment. Please practice social distancing while enjoying your outdoor shopping experience!!










Yikes, Weatherman says Freeze and Frost Warning Tonight and Tomorrow Night!

   When we hear frost and freeze in May we get real concerned in a hurry and so should you! Let me show and tell you what we do.

   First Kathy took a picture in side our shed and you can see what we did with the plants most susceptible to freezing and frost. These our plants that are very green from recent growth spurts and could have severe damage possibly even killing it. Should be okay indoors. If you have plants in pots waiting to be planted, to be safe you can put them in your garage or shed. As you can see, she took a picture of our trailer which is full of plants and covered with a tarp. Should be okay. Our main purpose in placing them in the shed and trailer is to avoid damage to new emerging buds, leaves, and flowers. We moved well over a thousand into our shed and trailer.

   With temperatures predicted below freezing along with wind we also decided to use Frost Protection Cloth over a good portion of our plants including young plants just in a growth spurt. Note: you do not have to be concerned about things like arborvitae which seem to handle cold very well. Kathy took pictures of our Frost Cover that covers plants shown here. If you have some plants you feel should be covered you can use anything from sheets, towels, etc. as long as it is breathable.

   Many shrubs and perennials will grow out even if they have some frost damage. We cover ours so we have nice plants to sell you next week that you can enjoy.

    So when in doubt, if you have new plants you bought that were in a greenhouse, either move them into your garage or shed or if you planted them, cover them now! It doesn’t take long, I spent all day (with several helpers) moving and covering plants and got rather wet and stayed that way all afternoon. You will probably only need to be out a couple of minutes to cover a few plants. Get that rain jacket on and get outside now and get it done. You will be glad you did.

   Here at Longview Nursery we will be open next week Tuesday through Friday at 9 a.m. and close at 5 p.m.  Saturdays we are open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you for us closing today May 8th and Saturday May 9th. It’s a big job for us getting ready for freezing and frost as you can see!

  Happy Mother’s Day to all you mothers out there and enjoy your day!

Tom & Kathy