1,644 Shrubs & Perennials Must Be Sold

At The Crazy Low Price Of $6.97 Each!!!!

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

 Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543

Callicarpa, Beautyberry, Early Amethyst

  We have a huge selection of shrubs and perennials for $6.97 each while they last. We grow most of what we sell right here in Lancaster County.  Here is the main comment we hear from our customers, “Healthy Plants at an affordable Price” and isn’t that we all want? Okay, let’s get started and take a quick look at a partial list of what we have available.

   We have Abelia Mosanesis with its beautiful small flowers and huge fragrance, and Mock Orange that does the same thing! Everyone needs one of these in your Landscape just to add the fragrance and beauty to your landscape. For later summer bloom we have Callicarpa Variegated, Callicarpa Early Amethyst, Clethra Hummingbird, and Clethra Ruby Spice, Take a look at these and enjoy later summer blooming!

     We have at least five kinds of Spirea like Lemon Princess, Goldmound, Neon Flash, Little Princess, and Gold Flame, and a few more I can’t remember now. Oh yes, Weigela like Java Red, Carnaval, Minuet, Tango, and maybe a few Variegated as well. I’d take a serious look at those Carnavals now! Yes I see Ninebark Royal, Itea Henrys Garnet, Kumson Forsythia, Holly Southern Gentleman and Winterberry Red, and some Inkberry Holly, Japanese Forest Grass, Leptodermis for summer time blooming, Potentilla

Abbottswood, Salix Hakuro Nishiki, Veronica Red Fox, Sedum Ground Covers, Deutzia Nikko,  Red Twig Dogwood, Yellow Twig Dogwood, Dianthus, Burning Bush, Thornless Blackberry, Quince, Lirope Variegated, Big Blue, Hypericum Gemo and a whole lot more for only $6.97 each while they last!

   Look, if you have privacy issues how about Emerald Green Arborvitae or Green Giant Arborvitae for only $6.97 each while they last?

    Oh gee whiz, I almost forgot Viburnums. Yup we got them at the special low price of $5.97 each. You read that right $5.97 each while they last. We have Arrowwood, Summer Snowflake, Carlesii, Mariesii, and maybe a couple of Cranberry Bush Viburnums. Folks, I must be going back 10 years to be selling these at that price!

   Okay, I do have some plants that are much larger or more costly to grow that sell for more but are still bargain priced. Trust me, they are a fantastic deal.

      Lilacs like Old Fashion, Miss Kim, and Palibin Meyeri, Rhododendrons, Coral Bells, Columbine Ajuga, Blue Hobbit, Bell Flower Birch Hybrid, Knatis Thunder and Lightning, Smoke Bush, Bottle Brush, Hosta, Bergenia Spring Fling, Astilbe, Coral Bells, Blue Berries, Hydrangea, Emerald Green and Green Giant Arborvitae, and a whole lot more!

    We don’t have a whole lot of time to answer phone calls or emails so get in your vehicle of choice, I’d bring an SUV or Pickup to scoop up all the bargains you will find, and set that GPS Thingy for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 and scoop up the bargains while they last cause when they are gone, they are gone!!! We accept Cash, Checks, Credit and Debit Cards for Payment.






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