1,549 Shrubs & Perennials Must Be Sold

At The Crazy Low Price Of $6.97 Each!

 Thursday, Sept. 10th, & Friday Sept. 11th, –  9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

 Saturday, Sept. 12th – 9 to Noon.

     My wife, the bookkeeper says we need to reduce our inventory to make room for the thousands of plants we pot between now and spring for next year so let’s get right to it and take a look at some of the plants we have at only $6.97 each.

Itea, Henry’s Garnet

    First some plants that Butterflies, Humming Birds, etc. We have Butterfly Bush (2 Kinds), Caryopteris Dark Knight, (blooms August – Frost)  and as beautiful as can be, Callacarpa Early Amethyst, with beautiful purple berries, Callacarpa Duet Variegated, Summersweet Ruby Spice and Summersweet Hummingbird, both summer bloomers, Honey Suckle Butterfly, Itea Henry’s Garnet, and the list goes on but my fingers and brain are getting tired. Okay, some more $6.97 plants like Scotch Broom, Salix Hakuro Nishiki (No. 1 Seller for 8 years straight), Viburnums (3 kinds), Mock Orange (3 kinds) Potentilla, Deutzia Nikko, Deutzia Strawberry Fields, Red Twig Dogwood (3 kinds), Yellow Twig Dogwood, Quince Cameo & Crimson & Gold (great early bloomer), Lynwood & Kumson Forsythia, Hypericum Albury Purple, Gemo, and Sunburst, Annabelle Hydrangea, Leptodermis Oblonga Purple Dwarf (blooms all summer starting in June) and in my opinion one of the best out there,  Oh, my fingers are starting to ache more but I just have to mention Albelia Rose Creek and you would be crazy not to have a couple of these blooming machines in your landscape and evergreen at that! Stay with me just a couple more to mention like Boxwood, Lirope, Ajuga, Allium, Blackberry Triple Crown Thornless, Gaura, and a whole lot more at only $6.97 each.

   I can tell I’m getting tired since I forgot about those who have some things in the neighborhood

they would rather not look at or you need more privacy for yourself. Yup, that would be Emerald Green Arborvitae or Green Giant Arborvitae. We have these for only $6.97 each while they last!


   We have many other beautiful Shrubs and Perennials and Trees at price points of $7.97 to $29.97 each. We have 7 kinds of the most beautiful, healthy, full of buds rhododendron for next years bloom available at only $29.97 and they are in 3 gal. container’s. At least two kinds are dwarf. If you want Rhododendrons in your Landscape, now is the time to purchase a great one at a great price. Looking on we have 5 kinds of Azalea’s, 4 colors of Astilbe, lots of beautiful Heuchera, and at least 4 kinds of Hydrangea just as healthy as can be.

   We’re winding this thing up now with Hibiscus, Rose Of Sharon, 2 kinds of grasses, Lionsville Arborvitae, Golden Curl Willows, Dogwood Trees white blooming, Pink Blooming, and Red Blooming and of course some real nice Red Buds and Purple Leaf Sand Cherry, Emerald Green and Green Giant Arborvitae. I can’t go on typing cause the brain is fading and I know there are more Trees, Shrubs, and Perennials to choose from!

    The best way to see what we have and to scoop up these bargains is to get in your car, SUV or Pick Up Truck and set that GPS Thingy for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 cause when they are gone, there gone! Remember this is Thursday & Friday 9-5 and Saturday 9 till Noon. Payment by Cash, Check, Debit or Credit Cards. Please maintain social distancing at this outdoor event.

 P.S. We appreciate when you pass this information along to others!



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