Spring Planting Time Is Here!

Cameo Quince

   I was walking through the nursery the other day and I’m almost sure I heard plants asking me, when will the people be here to choose us to take us to our new home? I was thinking, did I really hear that? At least in my mind they were speaking and I thought I heard them say they are excited to meet their new owners and want to see their new homes! Wow, must be a case of early spring fever, or was it? Between my wife asking when are we starting the Spring plant sales and you wonderful people calling, texting, and emailing asking when we will open, I think it got to me and maybe I was hallucinating when I heard the plants speaking to me but rather than having my family call the guys in the white coats to pick me up or worse yet, you folks, I’m announcing our opening date for our spring plant sales is Wednesday, April 20th. 9 a.m. To 6 p.m.  Finally, I feel relieved that I was able to share this with you cause I sure don’t have time to be psychologically evaluated with all the work taking care of these thousands of plants that needs to be done before April 20th.

    Now for some details. Starting Wednesday April 20th.  We will be open every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturdays 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. We will be closed Sundays for a day of rest and we need Mondays and Tuesdays to take care of the plants and restock our sales area. This schedule will continue until we old people are too tired to keep up the pace, or we run out of saleable plants!

    Along with our shrubs and perennials, some being natives, we have ornamental trees, as well as many edible plants like blue berries, raspberries, black berries, strawberries in 1 gal. pots that should give berries this spring, peach trees, apple trees, cherry trees and more I can’t think of now! I will email a reminder the end of next week and hopefully have a longer list of plants we have available. In the mean while take step one and get outside and do a little planning of what you might want, smile and enjoy the great outdoors.

Happy Spring, Tom & Kathy

Longview Nursery

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