1,829 Shrubs & Perennials Must Be Sold

At The Crazy Low Price Of $6.97 Each !!!!!

 Open Thursday & Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

 Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543

   We have lots of shrubs and perennials that will make beautiful flowers through the spring, fall and summer that I’m selling for $6.97 each while they last. Before you go any further grab a red or blue pen and circle the things you are interested in. I know $6.97 for a shrub or perennial sounds kind of crazy but that is what I do.

This is a partial list of what you can get for $6.97 each. Plants like Mock Orange with their beautiful white flowers and a wonderful fragrance that calls out to your sense of smell. The Albelia Mosanensis is a flowering shrub you should have somewhere in your landscape and we have a great selection to choose from. Are you looking for a ground cover that flowers, try the Deutzia Nikko with its small white flowers, you’ll love it. How about some Weigela (below picture) like Red Prince, Java Red, Minuet, and a few others with bell shaped flowers and the Hummingbirds love them and to beat it all a couple of these are dwarfs and only $6.97 each.

Oh yes, we have those blooming machines like Potentilla Gold Drop, Potentilla Abbottswood, and Potentilla Pink Beauty. They are small and easy to maintain. We have different kinds of Spirea like Gold Flame, Gold Mound, Neon Flash, and Lemon Princess to provide different colors for your landscape. How about Viburrnums like Burkwoodii, ( a great fragrant provider) Arrowwood, Cranberry Bush, and Summer Snowflake. Come out this week and take a deep breath next to my Burkwoodii Viburnum. You’ll want to bottle some of that air and take it home with you.

We have Quince Cameo and Crimson Gold. These early spring bloomers really brighten up the landscape after a cold winter and they are very hardy. We have Kumson Forsythia with its early bloom and variegated leaf and yellow blooms. Oh yes, I almost forgot about our Red Magic Daylillies.

The Lilacs are looking great and ready to be planted and only $6.97. We have two kinds of Honeysuckle, Hosta’s, Magnolia Ann, Ninebark Nugget, Ninebark Royalty, Scotchbroom, Barberry and more.

I see we have two kinds of Red twig Dogwood, Yellow twig Dogwood and how could I miss those Hypericum Sunbursts? Trust me, you want a Sunburst in your Landscape.



I’ve got to start winding this down but I can’t forget about the Salix Hakuro Nishiki. This shrub is  amazing and with very little care provides a beautiful whispy, colorful shrub. I’m sure I’m missing some other wonderful plants but I just can’t think of them now. Oh yes, a spark went off in this brain of mine and one of the most beautiful spring blooming plants you could have is the Spirea Bridal Wreath. Google this plant and come on over and pick up one, two, or even create a hedge with it. Next Spring you’ll be glad you did.

Okay, I have some plants that are either larger or more costly to grow that are priced at or near wholesale pricing. Here are some I’m talking about. We have lots of Azalea probably six or seven kinds in bloom now. We have about 12 kinds of Rhododendrons including some dwarf kinds. I don’t space to name them, but you can find at least one place in your landscape for a Rhododendron and priced at $19.97 each, they are a steal!!  Take a look at the picture and you’ll find a spot for one, two or more. (Dorothy Swift Rhododendron pictured below)

Okay, a few of you will know what I’m talking about. You have a neighbor that is driving you crazy and you don’t know what to do? I suggest a hedge of Emerald Green Arborvitae that will give you the privacy you deserve and even some shade! Ours are about 3’+ high and growing. Plant these 3’-4’ apart and in no time you have your privacy.

We have Golden Curl Willows being used in landscapes and large pots. Other larger plants we have include Linesville Arborvitae, Golden Globe Arborvitae, Old Gold Juniper, Saybrook Gold Juniper, Sea Green Juniper and others to make your landscape beautiful and affordable.



Large Blue Rug Juniper Ground Cover

And Mock Orange (where beauty & fragrance come together)

Only $5.97 Each WHILE THEY LAST!!!

   Look, I could write and write describing these beautiful plants listed above and others like Astilbe and Coral Bells and more but the best thing to do is to get mom, the kids, grandma, best friends and neighbors.  Set that GPS THINGY for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 and come on over this Thursday and Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Come and get them while they last cause when there gone they are gone!! We accept Cash, Checks, Credit & Debit Cards.

 By The Way, Did I mention We Grow All Of Our Plants Right Here In Lancaster County??

 Tom & Kathy Weidman



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