1,743 Shrubs & Perennials Must Be Sold At The Crazy Low Price Of $7.97 Each!!!!

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. & Saturday 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543

Total Outdoor Event and Held Rain or Shine!

Lemon Princess Spirea


   Our goal when we started was to grow beautiful plants at affordable prices and now twelve years later it still is to grow beautiful plants at affordable prices for you!

  This is a partial list of $7.97 Shrubs and Perennials: 5 Kinds of Weigela including Red Prince, Variegated, Minuet, Tango, Java Red; 6 Kinds of Spirea including Neon Flash, Gold Mound, Greifsham, Lemon Princes, Dolchia Dwarf Cutleaf, and the one I believe everyone should have in their landscape the Little Princess and its little pink flowers. We have many other plants like Honey Suckle Butterfly Bush, Diervilla Lonicera Dwarf Honeysuckle Copper, Lepto Dermis Oblonga, Blue Rug Juniper, Boxwood, Forthergilla Gardenii, Itea Henrys Garnet, Abelia Mosanensis, Abelia Rose Creek, Potentilla Gold Drop and Abbotswood and both little blooming machines, Dappled Willow Hakuro Nashiki, Deutzia Nikko, Deutzia Strawberry Fields, Mock Orange Snowbelle, Mock Orange Snow Dwarf, Miss Kim Lilac, Palibin Meyeri Lilac, Forsythia Kumson and Lynwood, Hosta, Annabelle Hydrangea, Dark Knight Caryopteris, Callicarpa Beautyberry Early Amethyst, and a whole lot more for only $7.97 each.

   Lots of Perennials in 1 gallon containers from $7.97 to $10.97 like Gaillardia Mesa Peach, Coreopsis Yellow & Red, Coreopsis Tickle Seed Mercury Rising, Gaillardia Arizona Sun, Bergenia Spring Fling, Anemone Honorine Jobert, Joe Pye Weed Dwarf Baby Joe, 5 kinds of Coral Bells, 4 Kinds of Astilbe, Campanula Blue Waterfall, Hakonechloa Aureola & All Gold, Sedum Neon, Sedum Ternatum, Sedum John Kreech, Sedum Kamschatka, Allium Millenium, Allium Windy City, Russian Sage, Pulmonaria Raspberry Splash, Heucherella Spotlight, Dianthus Firewitch, Dianthus Frosty Fire, 3 kinds of Lupine, and more I can’t think of now.


   We have a limited supply of Fruit bearing trees like Contender Peach Trees, Apple Trees like Gala, Honey Crisp, Red Delicious, and Jonagold all in 5 – 7 gallon pots priced in the $29.97 to $39.97 range. We also have Black and Red Raspberry Plants, Thornless Blackberry, Elderberry, 2 kinds of Aronia Chokeberry, Strawberries, Nanking Cherry as well as 6 kinds of Blueberries in the $7.97 to $19.97 price range. We have Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Emerald Green Arborvitae and Green Giant Arborvitae for $9.97 ea. and Emerald Green Arborvitae in 3 gal. containers for $19.97, Crepe Myrtles, and at least 9 kinds of Hosta. We have a lot more beautiful plants at affordable prices so get in your car, SUV, or pick-up truck and set that GPS Thingy for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543. Oh my, I almost forgot, yes, my forgetter gets better with age so don’t forget your cash, check, debit or credit card because when you see these plants and price’s, you’ll want to scoop up the bargains and take them home now cause when there gone, there gone!

P.S. Help us and a friend and forward this to them! Thank You!!!!

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