2,141 Plants Must Be Sold For The Ridiculous Low Price Of $7.97 ea.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday – 9 am to 6 pm & Saturday – 9 am to 3 pm
Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543
You are reading that correctly, 2,141 plants for the ridiculous low price of $7.97 each, while they last. Yup, this is the last week of our Fall Plant Sale and we would like to find new homes for some plants to give us more space for the new ones coming on for Spring. BY THE WAY DID I MENTION THAT OUR FINAL DAYS OF THE FALL SEASON ARE WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. AND SATURDAY 9 A.M. TO 3 P.M. YOU HAVE TILL 3 P.M. SATURDAY OCTOBER 16TH TO SCOOP UP THE BARGAINS.
Just a few of our $7.97 plants are Abelia Rose Creek, Lynwood Forsythia, Kumson Forsythia, Danci Arborviatae, 3 kinds of Butterfly Bush, Gold Thread Dwarf Cypress, Deutzia Nikko, Strawberry Field Deutzia, Honey Suckle Butterfly, Potentilla Gold Drop, Dwarf Japanese Garden Juniper, Blue Rug Juniper, Hidcote Lavender, Palibin Lilac, Potentilla Abbottswood, Annabelle Hydrangea, Salix Hakuro Nishiki, Variegated and Silver Dragon Liriope, Salvia May knight, Kamschatka Sedum, 7 kinds of Spirea, 5 kinds of Weigela including Red Prince, Boxwood, and a whole lot more for only $7.97 each while they last.
Starting at $9.97 each we have fruit bearing plants and trees like Thornless Blackberry, Black Raspberries, Quince Cameo, Elderberries, Blue Berries, Apple Trees, and maybe a couple more.
We have many perennials and shrubs like Astilbies, Coral Bells, Gaillardia, Geraniums, Hosta, Phlox, Pulmonaira, Sedums, Veronica, Rhododendrons, Shenandoah and Little Bunny Grass, 6 Kinds of Azalea, 4 kinds of Hydrangea, and many more I can’t think of starting at $9.97 each. We have Golden Curl Willows, White, Red, and Pink Blooming Dogwood Trees, Flowering Cherry Trees starting at $11.97.
The following super specials should make you “Longview Nursery Happy” for a long time! The following are large shrubs in 3 gal. containers and are usual low price is $11.97 each. This is the last time you will be able to buy the following shrubs for only $8.97 each. They are Beauty Berry Early Amethyst with its purple berries in the fall, Clethra Ruby Spice and Clethra Hummingbird (Native), Viburnum Allegheny and Viburnum Arrowwood (Native), Red Twig Cardinal dogwood (Native), Red Twig dogwood Baileyii and all these for only $8.97 each while they last. Just look for the little green men with the orange flags and you’ll find these super specials.
Now for that dufus neighbor of yours with all the junk in his yard and who rarely if ever mows the yard or pulls the weeds, we have the dufus neighbor plants! Yup, we have the Emerald Green and Green Giant Arborvitae in No. 1 containers for only $7.97 each. We also have them in very limited supply in 3 gal. containers for $24.97 each. Look, we have lots of other plants not listed. The best way to see all we have is to get in that vehicle of yours and set that GPS Thingy for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 and get here early while I’m still friendly (I’m an early morning person), in the afternoon talk with my wife, (she is not an early morning person), she loves sleeping late and going to bed late. Do you need anymore proof that opposites attract? Oh boy sidetracked again. Back on track we accept cash, checks, and cards for payment. For the thousands who have purchased from us in the past years a huge Thank You and we look forward to seeing you Spring of 2022.