1,323 Shrubs & Perennials In One Gallon Containers
At The Ridiculous Low Price Of $6.97 ea.!!
This Week Open one day only: Friday 10-7-2022 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
You read correctly, we are open only one day this week which is Friday 10-7-2022 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. We will not be open on Saturday since my nephew decided to get married on this date and would like Kathy and I to attend the wedding and reception.
At $6.97 each we have plants like Triple Crown Thornless Blackberries, Caryopteris Dark Knight (everyone needs some of these in their landscape) Dianthus Firewitch, Dianthus Frosty Fire, Red Twig Dogwood, Burning Bush, Kumson Forsythia, Lynwood Forsythia, Annabelle Hydrangea, Lavender Hidcote, Variegated Lirope, 4 kinds of Spirea, 3 kinds of Weigela, (some bloom 2 times per year), Leptodermis Oblonga, Deutzia Nikko, 4 kinds of Sedum and a whole lot more and only $6.97 each while they last. Almost forgot about Abelia Rose Creek that blooms from early summer to frost and only $6.97 each!
We have incredible deals at slightly higher prices on many larger shrubs and perennials like the Arborvitaes Hetz Midget, Linesville, Danci, Rheingold, and Siberian Carpet. Need a windbreak or a natural fence for privacy we have two sizes of Emerald Green Arborvitae and 1 Size of Green Giant Arborvitae. The list goes on with plants like 3 kinds of grasses, Boxwoods, Azalea, Rhododendrons, Blueberries, Red and Black Raspberries, Elderberry, Quince Cameo, at least 4 kinds of Butterfly Bush several that only grow to 2’-3’ and a whole lot more. We have Wisteria, Callicarpa Early Amthyst, Hosta, Lilacs, 4 kinds of Hydrangea, Coral Bells, Astilbes, Allium, 5 kinds of Rose of Sharon 4 which are not considered invasive,2 kinds of Crepe Myrtle, and many more Perennials and Shrubs. Trees like Chinese Kousa dogwoods, Florida White Dogwoods, Nanking Cherry, Purple Leaf Sandcherry, and a few others.
Yes, I have two Super Specials that are so good for you my family thinks I’m a little crazy for doing. It is amazing to me they haven’t figured that I am, even after this!
Super Special #1 is Callicarpa Duet Variegated in 3 gal. containers was $11.97 now only $6.97 while they last and Super Special #2 is Golden Curl Willow in 7 gal. container about 6’ tall regular $21.97 now only $9.97 while they last! Even I know that puts me on the crazy list! You get the gist, we sell quality home grown plants at great prices.
Look, digging holes is easy right now and a great time to plant so get in your car, SUV or Pick-up Truck and set that GPS Thingy for LONGVIEW NURSERY, 557 HACKMAN ROAD, LITITZ, PA. 17543 and scoop up the bargains while they last! We accept cash, checks, debit and credit cards for payment.
Tom & Kathy
P.S. Pass this along to others who may have interest in quality plants at low prices and don’t forget to bring your empty 1gal. size or larger black pots along for us to clean and reuse helping us keep our prices lower. Pots in short supply and by re-using we help keep them out of landfills.