2,779 Shrubs & Perennials Must Be Sold

At The Crazy Low Price Of $6.97 Each!!!!!

 Open Thursday & Friday April 26th. & 27th. 8 a.m. To 6 P.M. 

Saturday April 28th. 8 a.m. To 4 P.M.

 Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543

  IS EVERYONE READY FOR SOME SPRING WEATHER? I know I am!  Kathy and I got a taste of summer the beginning of March by going on our dream vacation to Aruba! We have dreamed of this for many years and to celebrate our 50th Wedding anniversary on March 2nd. (Yup, I remembered the date), we were off to Aruba to fulfill that dream. We sure could use some of that warm weather to make the plants grow faster. By the way, if you would like to hear more about the trip and how we met, just come on over and ask. Kathy has put up with many crazy ideas I had over the years but she thinks the craziest and best was the idea I could make shrubs, perennials, and some small trees more affordable for average people like you and I. Yes we’ve done it and we continue to do it again and again and now is your time to save some money and have a beautiful landscape.  Now I’m going to quickly give a rundown of many of the plants we have available.

Let’s start off with one of my favorites, Lilacs. We have Old Fashion, Miss Kim, Betsy Ross, and Declaration and only $6.97 each. We have a good supply of Weigela’s available including Kathy’s favorite Red Prince with those beautiful red bell shaped flowers and we have Tango, Java Red, Florida Variegated, Carnival, and Minuet. In a few weeks they will be blooming like crazy! Hummingbirds love these!!!

One of the shrubs I like is Spirea, I love them because of the leaf color, and the little colorful flowers they have at the same time. These are easy to maintain and are deer resistant simply because deer can eat them  down to the ground and they will grow out again. I have Gold Flame, Gold Mound, Lemon Princess, Neon Flash and more.

If you love Viburnums we have the fragrant Burkwoodii, Snowflake Viburnum and several others that add to the senses when walking in your landscape. One of the most consistent and best sellers we have is the Salix Hakuro Nishiki. With its beautiful wispy foliage it’s a must have for every ones landscape.

We have Honeysuckle Butterfly that is a great yellow blooming shrub that attracts butterflies and bees. Oh yes the Clethra Humming Bird and Ruby Spice with their late summer white & pink blooms are a great plant for some late summer bloom and beauty. Others that provide that summer and late summer bloom is Callicarpa and we have three different ones to choose from.

Early bloomers include Quince Cameo and Crimson & Gold. Take a look at mine in my landscape when you arrive. Also in the early bloomer class we have Forsythia Lynwood with its yellow blooms and Kumson with its variegated leaf and yellow flowers.


Some of my favorite low growing plants are Abelia Mosanensis (pictured above), Deutzia Nikko, Potentilla Abbottswood, Potentilla Gold Drop, Mock Orange. These fly out of here so come early and get what you need.

We have Red & Yellow Twig Dogwood, Burning Bush, Holly’s, Hypericums, Lavendar, Ninebark, Golden Curly Willow, Sedums, Salvia, Lirope, and a whole lot more that will make your landscape perfect for you.

Oh yes, I almost forgot we have Annabelle Hydrangea, Nikko Blue, Parzifal, and more. Oh my, we have a good supply of Blue Rug Juniper for only $6.97 each while they last. A great ground cover and can tolerate dry conditions once established. Come on over and take a look there are a lot more shrubs & perennials for only $6.97 each.


I do have other shrubs, perennials and small trees that are more costly to grow but are priced at bargain basement prices and many near wholesale pricing. We have White, Red, and Pink Blooming Dogwoods, Golden Globe Arborvitae, Aronia Chokeberry Brilliantissima, Lionsville Arborvitae, and Emerald Green Arborvitae. Also Gold Coast Juniper, Saybrook Gold Juniper, Sea Green Juniper, and probably a few more I just don’t remember now.

I’m excited about our Azalea and Rhododendrons. We have six different Azalea. Each has their own distinctive color bloom. We have over 12 different kinds of Rhododendrons. We have many different colors you just have to see to appreciate. If you are thinking of planting Rhododendrons come and take a look because we’ll save you a ton of money! There are lots more plants but I’m out of time and space and I’ve got to hustle out to get plants ready for the sale.


We will be open Thursday and Friday April 26th. and 27th. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday April 28st. 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Get on over here cause plants move fast. When you arrive pull into the driveway and park on the grass facing the yellow emergency tape. Oh my almost forgot, we accept cash, checks, credit and debit cards for payment.


   Now get in the car, SUV or pick-up and set that GPS thingy for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz Pennsylvania 17543 and when coming on Hackman Road don’t drive to fast and miss the driveway. Phone, I don’t have time to answer calls most of the time and even time to answer emails in a timely manner is hard to do. We operate as lean as possible to save you money.


Now grab momma, neighbors, friends, and relatives, get in that car, SUV, or Pick-up truck and head on over cause when the plants are gone, they are gone!


Tom & Kathy Weidman

Longview Nursery

557 Hackman Rd

Lititz, PA 17543




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