1,955 Shrubs & Perennials Must Be Sold

At The Crazy Low Price Of $6.97 Each While They Last!

Oct 6th – FRIDAY 9 A.M. – 6 P.M. &

Oct 7th – SATURDAY 8 A.M. – 4 P.M.



Assorted Rhododendrons




 It is completely whack-a-do crazy to sell these plants this cheap but I have way too many and I need the room! My wife thinks she has caught the crazy bug from me because she agrees with me on this one!

This is a partial list of what you get for $6.97 each. Callicarpa Beautyberry Duet Variegated is as beautiful a plant as you want to see and these are an extraordinary group of them. The little berries appearing in the fall and the size of this for only $6.97 each makes me believe I am crazy! We have Tango, Variegated, Minuet (dwarf), Red Prince, Weigelas. Plant this stuff now for a beautiful spring bloom! Pick the color you like. On we go to Golden Curl Willows, Salix Hakuro Nishiki, Spirea like Gold Flame, Goldmound, Neon Flash, Lemon Princess, and Bridal Wreath.

We have lots of Scotch Brooms, Lilacs, Viburnum, Barberry, Boxwood, Quince, Clethra, Butter Fly Bushes,  Hypericum, Sea Green Juniper, Gold Coast Juniper, several kinds of Potentilla, Deutzia Nikko, Honey Suckle “Butter Fly” and a whole lot more, all for $6.97 each while they last! What am I thinking?????

Okay, now I know Kathy has flipped out with me. Yup, she says to go ahead and discount those Blue Rug Junipers, Red Twig Dogwoods, and Yellow Twig Dogwoods! I said, how much should I charge for them. She said since we have a lot of them and we know the best time to plant is fall, you should only charge $4.97 each!!!!!!!!!! What, this is my stable minded wife saying that??!! On Monday we are going to get an appointment with a psychiatrist cause something is wrong with our minds here at 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543. Since Kathy is getting into this pricing and with this mind set, you might want to go back to the beginning and print this and get a red or green marker and circle what you’re interested in planting in your landscape. Hurry on over Friday & Saturday cause after having an appointment with that psychiatrist and if we come to our senses, this may change!

 I almost forgot to mention we have at least 8 kinds of beautiful Rhododendrons in 3 & 5 gallon size pots for only$14.97 Each! We have all kinds of different color blooming ones and even a dwarf one. Oh yes, we have one that blooms in total shade. It is the only one I know of!

Come, take a look and ask questions. You can enhance any landscape with any plant we have.

That reminds me, we have Nikko Blue, Parzifal, and a couple of other kinds of beautiful Hydrangea for only $6.97 Each! What a Steal!!!!!! My mind is going fast! I almost forgot we have a bunch of Perennials at only $6.97!

 I’m almost finished; so please bear with me a minute more. We have Incredible Deals at slightly higher prices on trees like Red, Pink, and White blooming Dogwoods, Azaleas, Sky Rocket Juniper, Grafted Japanese Maples, Purple Leaf Sand Cherry, Red Buds, Weeping Flowering Cherry, Emerald Green Arborvitae and more I just can’t recall now! Heh now, there isn’t time or space to list nearly everything so get in your car, jeep, SUV, or pick-up truck and set that GPS thingy to Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543. By the way, we accept Cash, Checks, Debit or Credit Cards for payment. We grow everything we sell so they are acclimated to our area so when we say hurry on over cause when they are gone they are gone, we mean it!!!!!

P.S. We appreciate when you pass this along to others or bring others along!

 We accept empty containers from plants we sold you! We recycle by using them again.

 Longview Nursery

Tom & Kathy Weidman


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