Huge Nursery Plant Sale

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8 AM  –  5 PM     THURSDAY

8 AM  –  5 PM     FRIDAY

8 AM  –  3 PM   SATURDAY

MAY 21, 22 & 23



$5.97 WHILE THE LAST!!!!

These great looking plants are raring to grow, so take a red or blue pen and circle the ones you want on this page!  Let’s get started with Winter Green Boxwood, Red Japanese Maple.

I have some fantastic screening trees like Emerald Green Arborvitae and for ground cover, we have some of the nicest Blue Rug Juniper I have ever grown!

Weigela - Carnaval

Carnaval Weigela

We’ve got beautiful flowering Weigelas on hand.  Varieties like Red Prince, with it’s dark green foliage and fantastic red flowers. (My wife’s favorite) as well as Java Red with it’s exquisite foliage and its red turning pinkish blooms.  Then we have the Carnaval with it’s cavalcade of colored flowers and green foliage; and of course, the beautiful Variegated Weigelas with variegated leaves and white/pink flowers.  Of course, for those who like their Weigela small we have Dwarf Minuets with pink/burgundy/white flowers that only grow to 30″ tall!  It’s a re-bloomer as well.  A dream come true!!! Sure are a lot more than I thought.  Need to bring more plants from the growing area to the sales area.  Oh my, mind wondering again!  Focus Tom Focus!!!

Edibles, yes edibles! Aronia Chokeberry with it’s out of this world antioxidant rating and Sambucus Elderberry while they last.  If you look around somewhere here you will find a few potted EarliGlow strawberry plants (only $3.97) starting to bloom and will give you berries within 2-3 weeks!

Viburnum - Burkwoodii             Viburnum – Burkwoodii

Boy Oh Boy – the list gets longer and longer and I get older and more tired.  Back to the subject!  We have Red Twig Dogwood, Yellow Twig Dogwood, and beautiful Variegated Red Twig Dogwood.  We have Fragrant Viburnum, come and breathe deeply.  You’ll want one.  We have Salix Hakuro Nishikis with that beautiful “shrimp-like” foliage coming soon and a great  plant for wet and dry areas. I love to see these whisping with even the slightest breeze.

Spirea - Gold Flame

Above view of several Gold Flame Spirea

Our very popular and delightful Spireas like Lemon Princess, Gold Flame, Little Princess, Anthony Waterer, and now Neon Flash as well. Are you circling the ones you want????  We have Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Potentilla, Ninebark, Mountain Laurel, Pieris Japonica, Hypericums and more!!!!  I must be crazy selling all these for $5.97 each!!

Oh yes, there is Blue Boy and Blue Girl Holly, Winterberry Holly Jim Dandy and Red Sprite.  I see some Annabelle Hydrangeas, Pee Gee Hydrangeas, and at least 4 kinds of Lilacs one of which I’m sure is Old Fashion Lilac.  There are some Hosta and Day Lilies for only $3.97 each!

If it’s larger plants you need – we have Emerald Green Arborvitaes about 3′ high for $14.97 ea. and flowering Cherry Trees like those down in Washington D.C., White & Pink Flowering Dogwoods, Flowering Cleveland Pears, Shadblows, and more at or near wholesale pricing while they last!

Finally for those who LOVE unique plants we have grafted Lace Leaf and unique grafted Japanese Maples of many color combinations and rare to this area priced from $29.97 to $69.97.

Okay! that is enough.  I can’t fit all the plants in this ad.  Just way too many to list.  The best thing to do is set you GPS for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Rd., Lititz, PA 17543 and get over here Thursday, Friday, and Saturday!  These plants won’t be around very long at these prices!

By the way, we accept Cash, Checks, and Credit Cards.  Just watching me trying to process a credit card may be worth the trip.  So grab momma, grandma, the kids and anyone else looking for plants and come on over.  If you know anyone who loves plants or is looking for some plants for their Landscape, we would appreciate you clicking on the Facebook Button and leaving them know about this sale or simply forward our website to them.  Thanks in advance for your kindness!

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