1,527 Shrubs & Perennials Must Be Sold At The Crazy Low Price Of $8.97 Each!

We are open Thursdays & Fridays 9 a.m.-6 p.m. and Saturdays 9 a.m.-3 p.m.

Snowbelle Mock Orange

 Longview Nursery is a local mom and pop nursery who grow many of our own Shrubs and Perennials. This is our fourteenth year of providing beautiful plants at affordable prices so you can have a beautiful landscape without breaking the budget. This outdoor event is held rain or shine so come on over and take a look.

Partial list of $8.97 shrubs and perennials:

Weigela Florida Variegated, Java Red, Minuet, Red Prince, and Tango (beautiful blooms)

Spirea Gold Flame, Lemon Princess, Little Princess, Dolchia Cutleaf, Greifsham, and Gold Mound

Itea Henry’s Garnet

Abelia Rose Creek

Potentilla Gold Drop & Potentilla Abbottswood

Dogwood Red Twig, Baileye Red Twig, Variegated Red Twig, and Yellow Twig Dogwood

Ninebark Royalty

Black Raspberries

Black Berry Triple Crown Thornless

Lepto Dermis Oblonga

Allium Millenium & Allium Windy City

Quince Crimson & Gold & Quince Cameo

Deutzia Nikko

Honey Suckle Butterfly

Viburnum Burkwoodii

Creeping Phlox Emerald Blue & Emerald Pink

Pieris Japonica Mtn. Fire

Mock Orange Snowbelle

Veronica Royal Candles & Veronica Red Fox

Dianthus Firewitch

Dianthus Frosty Fire

Dianthus Pinball Wizard

Sedums: John Creech, Kamschaticum, Neon, Ternatum

Viburnum Burkwoodii

Lirope Variegated

Deutzia Strawberry Fields

We have more shrubs and perennials at $8.97 but I can’t think of them now. Oh yes, my reminder person called my wife said, don’t forget the Emerald Green Arborvitae and Green Giant Arborvitae in 1 gallon pots for only $7.97 each while they last and she also said don’t forget the strawberries in 1 gallon pots @ 2 for $7.97!!! Look for the little green men where the super specials are located.

**I have to say this since I know it will come up; the following are not a part of the $8.97 sale** The following are larger shrubs and perennials and plants purchased and grown out for our nursery and priced from $9.97 to $24.97!!!  

Hosta Patriot, Elegans, and June

Grasses like Standing Ovation, Hamelin, Heavy Metal, & Hot Rod

Crepe Myrtle like Hopi and Twilight

Dwarf Gold Thread Cypress

Helleri Holly

Winterberry Red Holly

Winter Gold Holly

Phlox Laura and Phlox Bubblegum Pink

Linesville Arborvitae also known as Bowling Ball

Azaleas at least 6 different kinds

Old Fashion Lilac

Miss Kim Lilac

Palibin Meyeri Lilac

Blueberry Bush 7 different kinds

Annabelle Hydrangea

Rhododendron at least 6 kinds

Hydrangea (At Least 6 Kinds)

Elderberry Sambucus

Everbearing Strawberries in Hanging Baskets

Climbing Hydrangea

We have a lot more in this category come out and see, you’ll be glad you did!!

We have Fruit Trees and Ornamental Trees priced from $21.97 to $69.97

Red Haven Peach Trees, Black Gold Sweet Cherry Trees, Apple Trees like Gala, Yellow Delicious, and Honey Crisp, and Nanking Cherry. We also have ornamental dogwoods like Variegated leaf Stellar Pink, Rosey Teacups, Cherokee Brave Cornus Florida, Chinese Cornus Kousa, Red Rubra, and Pink Rubra.  Rising Sun Redbud, Sparkling Wine Redbud, KV Plum Trees, and Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry. Want to block out that next door neighbor who insists on not mowing his yard or cleaning away junk? Plant these and problem is out of sight, out of mind and earth friendly; 6’ Tall Beautiful Green Giant Arborvitaes at only $69.97, 5’ Green Giants for $31.97, and Emerald Green Arborvitae in 3 gal. containers for only $31.97 ea. & 2 gal. containers for only $27.97 ea. while they last!!

We have other Shrubs, Perennials, Trees, and many of these are Natives. Since we are a Mom and Pop operation we don’t have time to answer phone calls, emails, texts, etc. We believe everyone should come and see the plants and pick the ones they want, not what some plant guru thinks they want! To come and pick your own, set that GPS Thingy or Google Thingy for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 and scoop up the bargains on these beautiful plants because when they are gone, they are gone! We accept Cash, Checks, and all Major Credit and Debit Cards. Thank You in advance for passing this along to friends and relatives who may be interested.

P.S. New Additions To The Sales Area This Week: Lavendula Hidcote, Rudebeckia Goldstrum, Campanula Blue Water Fall, Campanula Bell Flower, Eupatorium dubium ‘Baby Joe’, Achillea New Vintage Violet, Blue Rug Juniper, Winter Berry Red Holly, Maryland Holly, more larger Sky Pencil Holly, Climbing Hydrangea, and if I wasn’t so tired I know I could think of more!






2,865 Shrubs & Perennials Must Be Sold At The Crazy Low Price Of $8.97 Each!

Opening Day is Thursday, April 20th.

We are open Thursdays & Fridays 9 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Saturdays 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Welcome to our 14th season of providing you with quality plants at a fair price! Most plants in the $8.97 price range are in gallon pots. We are Kathy and Tom and are a Mom and Pop operation located at 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543. I try to do a brief live Facebook update on all sale days so be sure to like us on Facebook.   Now take that yellow or green marker and mark the plants listed on this ad you want to take home. Here we go!

We have a huge selection of shrubs and perennials at $8.97 each and even a whole bunch at the crazy low price of $7.97 each. Shrubs and perennials like Weigela’s, Spirea’s, Mock Orange, Lynwood forsythia, several kinds of Red Twig Dogwood, Yellow Twig Dogwood, Butterfly Honeysuckle, Abelia Rosecreek, Burning Bush alata-compacta, two kinds of Boxwoods, three kinds of Butterfly Bush, Deutzia Nikko, two kinds of Dianthus, Euphorbia Polychrome in full bloom, Bottlebrush gardenii, Itea Henry’s garnet, Blue rug juniper, Leptodermis oblonga, Otto Luyken English Laurel, and oh my less I forget 4 kinds of Creeping Phlox in bloom, 5 kinds of Sedums, Potentilla Gold Drop, Potentilla Abbottswood, Black Raspberries, Blackberries, Salvia April Night, Viburnum Burkwoodii, Spider wort, Ninebark Royalty, Ninebark Nugget, Quince Crimson and Gold, Quince Cameo, two kinds of Allium, Ajuga Chocolate Chip, Veronica Red Fox, Veronica Royal Candles, Coreopsis Zagreb, Coreopsis Enchanted Evening, Winterberry Red Holly, Winter Gold Holly, and a whole lot more. I almost forgot we have Strawberry Early Glow in 1 gal. pots @ 2 for $7.97 each!!!

We have a whole lot more beautiful plants in container sizes ranging from 3 gallons to 7 gallons. They are priced from $9.97 each up to $69.97 each. We have a couple of different sizes of Emerald Green and Green Giant Arborvitae to help you screen out things that you don’t want to see next door or things you may want screened so others don’t see. We have 3 kinds of Astilbe’s, 6 kinds of Coral Bells, 9 kinds of Azalea loaded with buds and even some beginning to bloom and they go fast so get here quickly to pick yours and take it home with you! 7 kinds of Rhododendrons, Linesville Arborvitae, some of the nicest Miss Kim Lilacs I’ve ever raised, Old Fashion Lilac, Palibin Meyeri Lilac, Winterberry Red Holly, Winterberry Gold Holly, Aronia Chokeberry Viking, Aronia Chokeberry Brilliantissima, 7 kinds of Blueberry Bush, Boxwood, Annabelle Hydrangea, 4 other kinds of Hydrangea, Gala, Honey Crisp and Yellow Delicious Apple Trees, Bartlett Pear Trees, Red Haven Peach Trees, Nanking Cherry Bush, and Black Gold Sweet Cherry Trees. Yes, we have more trees including Pink Weeping Cherry Trees, Snow Fountain Cherry Trees, Autumnaus Cherry trees, Okame Flowering Cherry Trees, and would you believe a variegated leaf Dogwood Stellar Pink! Other Dogwoods are Rosy Teacup Cups, Cherokee Brave Cornus Florida, Cornus Florida White, and Chinese Cornus Kousa. I’m winding this down but I need to mention Redbud Trees like Eastern Redbud, Forest Pansy Redbud, Rising Sun Redbud, Sparkling Wine Redbud, and we have KV Plum Tree, and Autumn Brilliance Service Berry Trees. I have a whole lot more that will be on display including more Native Plants, Hosta, Grasses, Perennials and Shrubs.

Do like over 3,300+ customers who have purchased plants from us and took the time to register for our email notifications over the past few years and set that GPS or Google Thingy to Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 and scoop up the bargains on these beautiful plants because when they are gone, they are gone! We accept Cash, Checks, and all major Credit and Debit cards. Thank You in advance for passing this along to friends and relatives who may be interested.



1,191 Shrubs and Perennials at the Ridiculous Low Price Of $6.97 Each, While They Last!

Our Last Two Days Of The 2022 Season Are This

Friday The 14th. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and

Saturday The 15th. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

  This is it, your last chance of 2022 to purchase beautiful shrubs and perennials at the low price of $6.97 each. Plants like Abelia Mosanensis, Triple Crown Thornless Blackberry, Burning Bush, Caryopteris Dark Knight, Coreopsis Zagreb, Kumson Forsythia, Lynwood Forsythia, Ajuga, Annabelle Hydrangea, Lavender Hidcote, Lirope, Snowbelle Mock Orange, Ninebark Royalty, Potentilla Gold Drop, Neon Sedum, Ternatum Sedum, Kamschatka Sedum, 4 kinds of Spirea, Several kinds of Weigela, Red Twig Dogwood, Yellow Twig Dogwood, Deutziz Nikko, and more to numerous to list here and all in one gallon containers and only $6.97 each!


#1 Abelia Rose Creek in Trade Gallon Containers blooms from mid-summer till late fall and keeps green leaves most of winter. Matures at 2’-3’ Tall and 3’ -4’ wide when fully grown. Super Deal Buy one at $6.97 and get one FREE!

Rose Creek Abelia

#2 Callicarpa Duet Variegated commonly called Beautyberry in 3 gal. containers Regular $11.97 each now only $6.97 each! This is a white fruited Beauty Berry and with beautiful variegated foliage makes a great hedge or understory shrub. At $6.97 each it is a bargain!

Duet Variegated Beauthyberry

#3 Golden Curl Willows Regularly $21.97 each now only $9.97 while they last! Great for pots on decks as well as wet areas on property. These are about 6’ tall and ready to plant in your pot and prune for the winter. A fun plant and only $9.97!

Curly Willow

#4 Itea Henry’s Garnet in 3 gal. size pot regularly $11.97 now only $9.97! Beautiful fall leaf color and beautiful white flowers late spring and summer.

Itea, Henry’s Garnet

  We have incredible deals at slightly higher prices on many other shrubs and perennials like Eveergreen Arborvitaes including Hetz Midget, Linesville, Danci, and Rheingold Arborvitae. We have 3 different kinds of grasses, Boxwoods, Azalea, Rhododendrons, Blueberries in 3 gal. containers, Raspberries, Elderberry, Quince Cameo, Butterfly Bush, Wisteria, Callicarpa Early Amthyst, Chelone Turtle Head, 4 kinds of Coral Bells, 4 kinds of Astilbe, Inkberry Holly, Honey Suckle Butterfly, Hosta, Lilac, Hydrangea like Ruby Slippers, Pee Gee, All Summer Beauty, and Limelight. Perennials like Allium, Anemone, Coreopsis, Echinacea, Euphorbia, Gaillardia, Geranium, Red and Yellow Dogwood, Salvia, and the list goes on and on. We have trees like Purple Leaf Sandcherry, Chinese Kousa Dogwood, Florida White Dogwood, Nanking Cherry, Weeping Pink Cherry and a few other kinds. We also have 5 kinds of Rose of Sharon of which 4 kinds are not invasive according to experts and we have some Crepe Myrtles available all at incredible low prices. Emerald Green Arborvitae in 1 gal. containers only $9.97 each and in 3 gal. containers only $19.97 each.

   They say seeing is believing so set that GPS Thingy or whatever directional tool you use and drive on over to; LONGVIEW NURSERY, 557 HACKMAN ROAD, LITITZ, PA. 17543 AND SCOOP UP THE BARGAINS WHILE THEY LAST. We accept cash, checks, debit and credit cards for payment.

Friday Oct. 14th. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday Oct. 15th. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. rain or shine and this is it for this year so get over here now!!!!!!!!



1,323 Shrubs & Perennials In One Gallon Containers

At The Ridiculous Low Price Of $6.97 ea.!!

This Week Open one day only: Friday 10-7-2022 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

  You read correctly, we are open only one day this week which is Friday 10-7-2022 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. We will not be open on Saturday since my nephew decided to get married on this date and would like Kathy and I to attend the wedding and reception.

   At $6.97 each we have plants like Triple Crown Thornless Blackberries, Caryopteris Dark Knight (everyone needs some of these in their landscape) Dianthus Firewitch, Dianthus Frosty Fire, Red Twig Dogwood, Burning Bush, Kumson Forsythia, Lynwood Forsythia, Annabelle Hydrangea, Lavender Hidcote, Variegated Lirope, 4 kinds of Spirea, 3 kinds of Weigela, (some bloom 2 times per year), Leptodermis Oblonga, Deutzia Nikko, 4 kinds of Sedum and a whole lot more and only $6.97 each while they last. Almost forgot about Abelia Rose Creek that blooms from early summer to frost and only $6.97 each!

   We have incredible deals at slightly higher prices on many larger shrubs and perennials like the Arborvitaes Hetz Midget, Linesville, Danci, Rheingold, and Siberian Carpet. Need a windbreak or a natural fence for privacy we have two sizes of Emerald Green Arborvitae and 1 Size of Green Giant Arborvitae. The list goes on with plants like 3 kinds of grasses, Boxwoods, Azalea, Rhododendrons, Blueberries, Red and Black Raspberries, Elderberry, Quince Cameo, at least 4 kinds of Butterfly Bush several that only grow to 2’-3’ and a whole lot more. We have Wisteria, Callicarpa Early Amthyst, Hosta, Lilacs, 4 kinds of Hydrangea, Coral Bells, Astilbes, Allium, 5 kinds of Rose of Sharon 4 which are not considered invasive,2 kinds of Crepe Myrtle, and many more Perennials and Shrubs. Trees like Chinese Kousa dogwoods, Florida White Dogwoods, Nanking Cherry, Purple Leaf Sandcherry, and a few others.

   Yes, I have two Super Specials that are so good for you my family thinks I’m a little crazy for doing. It is amazing to me they haven’t figured that I am, even after this!

Curly Willow

Super Special #1 is Callicarpa Duet Variegated in 3 gal. containers was $11.97 now only $6.97 while they last and Super Special #2 is Golden Curl Willow in 7 gal. container about 6’ tall regular $21.97 now only $9.97 while they last! Even I know that puts me on the crazy list! You get the gist, we sell quality home grown plants at great prices.

Duet Variegated Beauthyberry

  Look, digging holes is easy right now and a great time to plant so get in your car, SUV or Pick-up Truck and set that GPS Thingy for LONGVIEW NURSERY, 557 HACKMAN ROAD, LITITZ, PA. 17543 and scoop up the bargains while they last! We accept cash, checks, debit and credit cards for payment.


Tom & Kathy

P.S. Pass this along to others who may have interest in quality plants at low prices and don’t forget to bring your empty 1gal. size or larger black pots along for us to clean and reuse helping us keep our prices lower. Pots in short supply and by re-using we help keep them out of landfills.



1,293 Shrubs & Perennials At The Ridiculous Low

Unheard Of Price Of $6.97 Each While They Last!

Friday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.



  When was the last time you purchased beautiful shrubs and perennials in large gallon containers for only $6.97 each??? Yup, that’s what I thought. It is hard to remember those days it has been so long. We are doing that every sale day we are open. We reduce our costs by growing our plants right here in Lancaster County and keeping our overhead to a minimum. Besides, we like seeing our happy customers come back time and again able to buy plants priced in their budget! So now is the time to grab your red or green pen and circle the ones you would like to have in your landscape and bring the list with you.

We have Plants in 1 gal. containers like Ajuga, Abelia Mosanensis, Triple Crown Thornless Blackberry, Caryopteris Dark Knight, Coreopsis Zagreb, Dianthus Firewitch, Dianthus Frosty Fire, Red Twig Dogwood, Yellow Twig Dogwood, Burning Bush, Forsythia Kumson, Forsythia Lynwood, Hakonechloa All Gold, Annabelle Hydrangea, Lavender Hidcote, Lewisa Constant Comment, Variegated Lirope, Muscari Lirope, Snowbelle Mock Orange, Ninebark Royalty, Potentilla Gold Drop, Potentilla Abbottswood, Sedum Kamschatka, Sedum Neon, Sedum Ternatum, Spirea Gold Flame, Spirea Goldmound, Spirea Griefsham, Spirea Little Princess, Veronica Red Fox, Viburnum Burkwoodii, Weigela Red Prince, Leptodermis Oblonga, Weigela Java Red and more.

Two shrubs often overlooked are the Abelia Rose Creek and the Deutzia Nikko. The Rose Creek blooms from mid-summer till frost and keeps its green leaves over winter. It is a beautiful shrub, compact growing, and does not need a lot of pruning. I highly recommend it. The Deutzia Niikko produces small white flowers in the spring and works great as a small shrub or as a ground cover and only $6.97 each!

  Fall is the best time to plant shrubs, perennials, and trees and we have all three. We do not sell annuals that are only alive for one growing season.

Curly Willow

Duet Variegated Beauthyberry

   We have incredible deals at slightly higher prices on many other shrubs and perennials like Evergreen Arborvitaes including Hetz Midget, Linesville, Danci, Rheingold and Siberian Carpet. If you’re looking to block that next door neighbor who can’t seem to keep their outdoors in order we have Emerald Green Arborvitae and Green Giant Arborvitae and they not only block it out but attract birds etc. and as a natural fence help the environment. We have 3 different kinds of grasses in 3 gal. containers, Boxwoods, Azalea, Rhododendrons, Blueberries, Raspberries, Elderberry Sambucus, Quince Cameo, Butterfly Bush including several that only grow to 2’-3’!

We also have Wisteria, Callicarpa Early Amthyst, Chelone Hot Lips with turtle head shaped pink flowers and a favorite of mine. We have Coral Bells, Astilbes, Inkberry Holly, Honey Suckle Butterfly, Hosta, Lilacs, Hydrangea like Ruby Slippers, Pee Gee, Silver Dollar, All Summer Beauty and more. Perennials like Allium, Anemone, Coreopsis Zagreb, Echinacea, Euphorbia, Gaillardia, Geranium, Joe Pye Weed, Red and Yellow Twig Dogwood, Salvia, and a whole lot more.

 OH YES, OUR SUPER SHRUB SPECIAL IS CALLACARPA DUET VARIEGATED IN 3 GAL. CONTAINERS WAS $11.97 EACH NOW ONLY $6.97 EACH WHILE THEY LAST!! We have trees like Chinese Kousa Dogwoods, Florida White Dogwoods, Nanking Cherry, Purple Leaf Sandcherry, Weeping Pink Cherry, Redbuds, and our Super Tree Special the Golden Curl Willow in 7 gal. container that was $21.97 each but now only $16.97 each for as long as they last.

   Time to wind this down but I want to mention we have 5 kinds of Rose Of Sharon. According to the experts we have 4 kinds that are not invasive. Come and we will show you which ones they are. We also have two kinds of Crepe Myrtles. Both the Rose of Sharon and Crepe Myrtles are blooming. We have more kinds of plants but I’m running out of space and time to list them. They say seeing is believing so we invite you to come on over and see for yourselves the plants and the pricing and I know you’ll agree that no one saves you money like Longview Nursery. Get in your car, SUV or Pickup and set that GPS thingy for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 and scoop up the bargains while they last! We accept cash, checks, debit and credit cards for payment!

P.S. Pass this along to other plant lovers and don’t forget to bring your empty black pots along that are 1 gal. size or larger. Pots in short supply and by re-using help save the environment.




1, 437 Shrubs & Perennials At The Ridiculously Low Unheard Of Price Of $6.97 Each While They Last!

Thursday & Friday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Neon Sedum

  When was the last time you purchased beautiful shrubs and perennials in large gallon containers for only $6.97 each??? Yup, that’s what I thought. It is hard to remember those days it has been so long. We are doing that every sale day we are open. We reduce our costs by growing our plants right here in Lancaster County and keeping our overhead to a minimum. Besides, we like seeing our happy customers come back time and again and thanking us for doing what we do! So now is the time to grab your red or green pen and circle the ones you would like to have in your landscape and bring the list with you. We have Plants in 1 gal. containers like Ajuga, Abelia Mosanensis, Triple Crown Thornless Blackberry, Caryopteris Dark Knight, Coreopsis Zagreb, Dianthus Firewitch, Dianthus Frosty Fire, Red Twig Dogwood, Yellow Twig Dogwood, Burning Bush, Forsythia Kumson, Forsythia Lynwood, Hakonechloa All Gold, Annabelle Hydrangea, Lavender Hidcote, Lewisa Constant Comment, Variegated Lirope, Muscari Lirope, Snowbelle Mock Orange, Ninebark Royalty, Potentilla Gold Drop, Potentilla Abbottswood, Sedum Kamschatka, Sedum Neon, Sedum Ternatum, Spirea Gold Flame, Spirea Goldmound, Spirea Griefsham, Spirea Little Princess, Veronica Red Fox, Viburnum Burkwoodii, Weigela Red Prince, Leptodermis Oblonga, Weigela Java Red and more. Two shrubs often overlooked are the Abelia Rose Creek and the Deutzia Nikko. The Rose Creek blooms from mid-summer till frost and keeps its green leaves over winter. It is a beautiful shrub, compact growing, and does not need a lot of pruning. I highly recommend it. The Deutzia Niikko produces small white flowers in the spring and works great as a small shrub or as a ground cover and only $6.97 each!

  Fall is the best time to plant shrubs, perennials, and trees and we have all three. Another thing I want to mention is all of these come back year after year. We do not sell annuals which are only alive for one growing season.

   We have incredible deals at slightly higher prices on many other shrubs and perennials like Evergreen Arborvitaes including Hetz Midget, Linesville, Danci, and Rheingold. We also have Hinoki Cypress, Siberian Carpet, and if your looking to block that next door neighbor who can’t seem to keep their outdoors in order we have Emerald Green Arborvitae and Green Giant Arborvitae and they not only block it out but they attract birds etc. and as a natural fence help the environment. We have 5 different kinds of grasses in 3 gal. containers, Boxwoods, Azalea, Rhododendrons, Blueberries, Raspberries, Elderberry Sambucus, Quince Cameo, Butterfly Bush including several that only grow to 2’-3’! We also have Wisteria, Callicarpa Duet Variegated, Callicarpa Early Amthyst, Chelone Hot Lips with turtle head shaped pink flowers and a favorite of mine. We have Coral Bells, Astilbes, Inkberry Holly, Honey Suckle Butterfly, Hosta, Lilacs, Hydrangea like Ruby Slippers, Pee Gee, Silver Dollar, All Summer Beauty and more. Perennials like Allium, Anemone, Coreopsis Zagreb, Echinacea, Euphorbia, Gaillardia, Geranium, Joe Pye Weed, Red and Yellow Twig Dogwood, Salvia, and a whole lot more. Oh yes trees, I almost forgot them. We have Dogwoods like Chinese Kousa, Florida White, Nanking Cherry, Purple Leaf Sandcherry, Weeping Pink Cherry, Redbuds, Curly Willows and some more I can’t remember now.

   Time to wind this down but I want to mention we have 5 kinds of Rose Of Sharon. According to the experts we have 4 kinds that are sterile and are not invasive. Come and we will show you which ones they are. We also have two kinds of Crepe Myrtles. Both the Rose of Sharon and Crepe Myrtles are blooming. We have more kinds of plants but I’m running out of space and time to list them. They say seeing is believing so we invite you to come on over and see for yourselves the plants and the pricing and I know you’ll agree that no one saves you money like Longview Nursery. Get in your car, SUV or Pickup and set that GPS thingy for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 and scoop up the bargains while they last! We accept cash, checks, debit and credit cards for payment!

P.S. Pass this along to other plant lovers and don’t forget to bring your empty black pots along that are 1 gal. size or larger. Pots in short supply and by re-using them help the environment.





1, 817 Shrubs & Perennials At The Ridiculously Low Unheard Of Price Of $6.97 Each While They Last!

Thursday & Friday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Amethyst Mist Coral Bell

  We sold a lot of shrubs and perennials and some trees last week but we are continuing the sale since we need to lower inventory to make room for the new plants we propagated that are ready to be placed into inventory. Yup, we grow our plants right here in Lancaster County. Grab your red or green pen and circle the ones you would like to have in your landscape and bring the list with you. We have Plants in 1 gal. containers like Ajuga, Berberis Rose Glow, Triple Crown Thornless Blackberry, Caryopteris Dark Knight, Coreopsis Zagreb, Dianthus Firewitch, Dianthus Frosty Fire, Red Twig Dogwood, Yellow Twig Dogwood, Burning Bush, Forsythia Kumson, Forsythia Lynwood, Hakonechloa All Gold, Annabelle Hydrangea, Lavender Hidcote, Lewisa Constant Comment, Variegated Lirope, Muscari Lirope, Snowbelle Mock Orange, Ninebark Royalty, Potentilla Gold Drop, Potentilla Abbottswood, Sedum Kamschatka, Sedum Neon, Sedum Ternatum, Spirea Gold Flame, Spirea Goldmound, Spirea Griefsham, Spirea Little Princess, Veronica Red Fox, Viburnum Burkwoodii, Weigela Red Prince, Leptodermis Oblonga, Weigela Java Red. Two shrubs often overlooked are the Abelia Rose Creek and the Deutzia Nikko. The Rose Creek blooms from mid-summer till frost and keeps its green leaves over winter. It is a beautiful shrub, compact growing, and does not need a lot of pruning. I highly recommend it. The Deutzia Niikko produces small white flowers in the spring and works great as a small shrub or as a ground cover and only $6.97 each!

  Fall is the best time to plant shrubs, perennials, and trees and we have all three. Another thing I want to mention is all of these come back year after year. We do not sell annuals which are only alive for one growing season.

   We have incredible deals at slightly higher prices on many other shrubs and perennials like Evergreen Arborvitaes including Hetz Midget, Linesville, Danci, Rheingold, and Sunkist. We also have Hinoki Cypress, Siberian Carpet, and if your looking to block that next door neighbor who can’t seem to keep their outdoors in order we have Emerald Green Arborvitae and Green Giant Arborvitae and they not only block it out but they attract birds etc. and as a natural fence help the environment. We have 5 different kinds of grasses in 3 gal. containers, Boxwoods, Azalea, Rhododendrons, Blueberries, Raspberries, Elderberry Sambucus, Quince Cameo, Butterfly Bush including several that only grow to 2’-3’! We also have Wisteria, Callicarpa Duet Variegated, Callicarpa Early Amthyst, Chelone Hot Lips with turtle head shaped pink flowers and a favorite of mine. We have Coral Bells, Astilbes, Inkberry Holly, Honey Suckle Butterfly, Hosta, Lilacs, Hydrangea like Ruby Slippers, Pee Gee, Silver Dollar, All Summer Beauty and more. Perennials like Allium, Anemone, Coreopsis Zagreb, Echinacea, Euphorbia, Gaillardia, Geranium, Joe Pye Weed, Red and Yellow Twig Dogwood, Salvia, and a whole lot more. Oh yes trees, I almost forgot them. We have Dogwoods like Chinese Kousa, Florida White, Nanking Cherry, Purple Leaf Sandcherry, Weeping Pink Cherry, Redbuds, Curly Willows, Contender peach trees that are very cold tolerant, pink blossoms in spring, produce medium sized fruit in late summer, Self pollinating, freestone and delicious.

   Time to wind this down but I want to mention we have 5 kinds of Rose Of Sharon. One of the things I hear from people is we don’t like the little suckers that grow under these. We have 4 kinds that are sterile and do not do that. Come and take a look and we will show you which ones are sterile. We also have two kinds of Crepe Myrtles. Both the Rose of Sharon and Crepe Myrtles are blooming. We have more kinds of plants but I’m running out of space and time to list them. They say seeing is believing so we invite you to come on over and see for yourselves the plants and the pricing and I know you’ll agree that no one saves you money like Longview Nursery. Get in your car, SUV or Pickup and set that GPS thingy for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 and scoop up the bargains while they last! We accept cash, checks, debit and credit cards for payment!

P.S. Pass this along to other plant lovers. Thanks!




1, 923 Shrubs & Perennials At The Ridiculously Low Unheard Of Price Of $6.97 Each While They Last!

Thursday & Friday 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Saturday 9 a.m. – 3 p.m.

  We sold a lot of shrubs and perennials and some trees last week but we are continuing the sale since we need to lower inventory to make room for the new plants we propagated that are ready to be placed into inventory. Yup, we grow our plants right here in Lancaster County. Grab your red or green pen and circle the ones you would like to have in your landscape and bring the list with you. We have Plants in 1 gal. containers like Ajuga, Berberis Rose Glow, Triple Crown Thornless Blackberry, Caryopteris Dark Knight, Coreopsis Zagreb, Dianthus Firewitch, Dianthus Frosty Fire, Red Twig Dogwood, Yellow Twig Dogwood, Burning Bush, Forsythia Kumson, Forsythia Lynwood, Hakonechloa All Gold, Annabelle Hydrangea, Lavender Hidcote, Lewisa Constant Comment, Variegated Lirope, Muscari Lirope, Snowbelle Mock Orange, Ninebark Royalty, Potentilla Gold Drop, Potentilla Abbottswood, Sedum Kamschatka, Sedum Neon, Sedum Ternatum, Spirea Gold Flame, Spirea Goldmound, Spirea Griefsham, Spirea Little Princess, Veronica Red Fox, Viburnum Burkwoodii, Weigela Red Prince, Leptodermis Oblonga, Weigela Java Red. Two shrubs often overlooked are the Abelia Rose Creek and the Deutzia Nikko. The Rose Creek blooms from mid-summer till frost and keeps its green leaves over winter. It is a beautiful shrub, compact growing, and does not need a lot of pruning. I highly recommend it. The Deutzia Niikko produces small white flowers in the spring and works great as a small shrub or as a ground cover. Both of the shrubs at the low price of $6.97 each!

  Fall is the best time to plant shrubs, perennials, and trees and we have all three. Another thing I want to mention is all of these come back year after year. We do not sell annuals which are only alive for one growing season.

   We have incredible deals at slightly higher prices on many other shrubs and perennials like Evergreen Arborvitaes including Hetz Midget, Linesville, Danci, Rheingold, and Sunkist. We also have Hinoki Cypress, Siberian Carpet, and if your looking to block that next door neighbor who can’t seem to keep their outdoors in order we have Emerald Green Arborvitae and Green Giant Arborvitae and they not only block it out but they attract birds etc. and as a natural fence help the environment. We have 5 different kinds of grasses in 3 gal. containers, Boxwoods, Azalea, Rhododendrons, Blueberries, Raspberries, Elderberry Sambucus, Quince Cameo, Butterfly Bush including several that only grow to 2’-3’! We also have Wisteria, Callicarpa Duet Variegated, Callicarpa Early Amthyst, Chelone Hot Lips with turtle head shaped pink flowers and a favorite of mine. We have Coral Bells, Astilbes, Inkberry Holly, Honey Suckle Butterfly, Hosta, Lilacs, Hydrangea like Ruby Slippers, Pee Gee, Silver Dollar, All Summer Beauty and more. Perennials like Allium, Anemone, Coreopsis Zagreb, Echinacea, Euphorbia, Gaillardia, Geranium, Joe Pye Weed, Red and Yellow Twig Dogwood, Salvia, and a whole lot more. Oh yes trees, I almost forgot them. We have Dogwoods like Chinese Kousa, Florida White, Nanking Cherry, Purple Leaf Sandcherry, Weeping Pink Cherry, Redbuds, Curly Willows, Contender peach trees that are very cold tolerant, pink blossoms in spring, produce medium sized fruit in late summer, Self pollinating, freestone and delicious.

Early Amethyst Beautyberry

   Time to wind this down but I want to mention we have 5 kinds of Rose Of Sharon. One of the things I hear from people is we don’t like the little suckers that grow under these. We have 4 kinds that are sterile and do not do that. Come and take a look and we will show you which ones are sterile. We also have two kinds of Crepe Myrtles. Both the Rose of Sharon and Crepe Myrtles are blooming. We have more kinds of plants but I’m running out of space and time to list them. They say seeing is believing so we invite you to come on over and see for yourselves the plants and the pricing and I know you’ll agree that no one saves you money like Longview Nursery. Get in your car, SUV or Pickup and set that GPS thingy for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 and scoop up the bargains while they last! We accept cash, checks, debit and credit cards for payment!

P.S. Pass this along to other plant lovers. Thanks!





2,487 Shrubs & Perennials At The Ridiculously Low

Unheard Price Of $6.97 Each While They Last!

Thursday & Friday Sept. 1 & 2 10 a.m.-6 p.m. and

Saturday Sept 3rd. 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.

  I must be totally crazy for selling 2,487 shrubs and perennials at $6.97 each but I need to make room for new plants we have propagated that are ready to be transplanted so I spoke to our accountant (my wife) and told her that we’ve got to move them now at a reduced price. I thought she would hit the roof so to speak. After she thought about it for a little while and had a sip of ice tea, she agreed! It helps that she’s been married to this crazy guy for 53 years and understands why he does things the way he does since she tends to be a little on the crazy side herself. (Contagious I guess?)

Neon Sedum

  Okay, here is a list of the beautiful plants in 1 gallon containers ready to be planted in your landscape for $6.97 each; Ajuga, Abelia Rose Creek, Berberis Rose Glow, Triple Crown Thornless Blackberry, Bleeding Hearts, Caryopteris Dark Knight, Coreopsis Zagreb, Deutzia Nikko, Dianthus Firewitch, Dianthus Frosty Fire, Red Twig Dogwood, Yellow Twig Dogwood, Burning Bush, Forsythia Kumson, Forsythia Lynwood, Hakonechloa All gold Jap. Forest Grass, Annabelle Hydrangea, Lavender Hidcote, Lewisa Constant Comment, Lirope Variegated, Lirope Muscari, Mock Orange Snowbelle, Ninebark Royalty, Potentilla Gold Drop, Potentilla Abbottswood, Sedum Kamschatka, Sedum Neon, Sedum Ternatum, Come on Tom you’re almost finished with this list, keep going, “okay” Spirea Gold Flame, Spirea Goldmound, Spirea Greifsham, Spirea Little Princess, (All Spirea exceptionally nice), Vericona Red Fox, Viburnum Burkwoodii, Weigela Red Prince, and Weigela Java Red.

Rose Creek Abelia

  Look we have a ton of other shrubs and perennials at the low price of $8.97 to $19.97 each! They are in 1 gal. to 3 gal. pots. Evergreen Arborvitae like Hetz Midget, Linesville, Danci, Rheingold, Sunkist, Boxwoods, Azalea’s, Rhododendrons, Blueberries, Raspberries, Callacarpa Duet Variegated, Chelone Hot Lips with Turtle head shaped flowers, Coral Bells, Inkberry Holly, Honey Suckle Butterfly, Hostas, healthy, great looking Ruby Slipper Hydrangea, Pee Gee Hydrangea, Itea Henrys Garnet, Wisteria, Butterfly Bush, and more. Oh my, brain memory cells are running out of fuel and I almost forgot that we have 5 kinds of the nicest Rose Of Sharon in bloom and 3 kinds of Crepe Myrtle in Full Bloom and a lot more shrubs and perennials at or near wholesale pricing. It’s a wonder my wife hasn’t called the guys in the white coats to pick me up for selling plants so cheap!

  Do you need a natural fence that blocks out that neighbor who doesn’t mow his lawn or lets the junk pile up, but you want a fence that helps our environment including birds etc.? Yup, we have Emerald Green Arborvitae and Green Giant Arborvitae that do the job at a price you can afford! Did I mention that we grow most of all the plants we sell!

  We have Trees like Chinese Kousa Dogwood, Florida White Dogwood, Nanking Cherry, Purple Leaf Sand Cherry, Weeping Cherry Tree, Redbuds, Peach Tree Contender, large Beautiful Curly Willows, and others I don’t remember now but at prices you can afford.

  We have a whole lot more that we could list but I’m out of time and the energy to do it. They say that seeing is believing so we invite you to come on over and see for yourself the plants and the pricing and I know you’ll agree that no one saves you money like Longview Nursery.  So plug in your GPS Thingy and set it for Longview Nursery, 557 Hackman Road, Lititz, Pa. 17543 and scoop up the bargains while they last!

We are open Thursday 9/1 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Friday 9/2 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday 9/3 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. We accept cash, checks, debit and credit cards for payment.

P.S. Please pass along to those you know who love plants.

Thank You!



Thursday – Sept 1st  10 AM to 6 PM      Friday – Sept 2nd  10 AM to 6 PM

Saturday – Sept 3rd  10 AM to 3 PM

Lots of beautiful plants like Crepe Myrtles, Grasses, Hollies, Hydrangeas, Azaleas, Rhododendrons, Rose of Sharon, Boxwood, Callicarpa, Clethra, Dianthus, Emerald Green and Green Giant Arborvitae and Hostas.  Lots and lots of perennials and trees are also available.

Before you buy elsewhere, come on by and scoop up the bargains while they last!!!

More details to follow!  Plug this address into that GPS thingy and come on over to

Longview Nursery

557 Hackman Road

Lititz, PA 17543